uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


9.1 Flow of developing batch applications

The following figure shows the flow of developing batch applications using Eclipse:

Figure 9-1 Flow of developing batch applications using Eclipse


An overview of the respective operations is as follows:

  1. Setting up a batch server environment
    Use the management portal and the Smart Composer functionality to set up a batch server for executing batch applications. For details, see 9.2 Setting up the batch server environment.
  2. Creating a Java project
    Use the Eclipse functionality to create a Java project for developing the batch applications. For details, see 9.3 Creating a Java project.
  3. Adding the Cosminexus batch library to the Java project
    Add the Cosminexus batch library to the Java project used for developing the batch applications. For details, see 9.4 Adding and deleting the Cosminexus batch library in a Java project.
  4. Creating batch applications
    Use the Eclipse functionality to create batch applications. When using an external library such as the Java EE functionality, set up the class path (build path) in the compilation options. For details, see 9.5 Creating batch applications.
  5. Debugging the batch applications
    Perform debugging for the batch applications. For details, see 9.6 Debugging batch applications.
  6. Executing the batch applications
    Execute the batch applications. For details, see 9.7 Executing batch applications.
  7. Terminating the batch applications forcibly
    As and when required, terminate the batch applications forcibly. For details, see 9.8 Forced termination of batch applications.
  8. Stopping the batch server
    Stop the batch server that executed the batch applications. For details, see 9.9 Stopping the batch server.

The following subsections describe how to develop the batch applications using this operation flow.

Organization of this section
9.1.1 Notes on developing batch applications