uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


1.1.2 Improving development efficiency with the exploded archive format

The exploded archive format is a file format in which the programs and files that configure a J2EE application are deployed in the exploded directory state without being archived. If you use J2EE applications in exploded archive format, the replacement of J2EE applications becomes easy. The following figure compares the procedures for replacing J2EE applications in the archive format and the exploded archive format.

Figure 1-2 Comparing the procedure for replacing J2EE applications (archive format and exploded archive format)


To replace J2EE applications deployed in the archive format, you must first stop and delete the J2EE applications, and then revise the source files. Also, you must re-archive the revised files, and then re-deploy the J2EE applications.

To replace J2EE applications in the exploded archive format, you need not delete, archive, and redeploy the J2EE applications. Furthermore, if you use the reload function, the source files can be replaced automatically without stopping and starting the J2EE applications.

As described above, if you use the exploded archive format, the replacement procedure becomes easier, thereby improving the efficiency of developing J2EE applications that require more revisions. For details on J2EE applications in the exploded archive format, see 1.4.1 J2EE applications in exploded archive format.