uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


1.1.1 Integrating with Eclipse to develop J2EE applications

Developer provides Eclipse Web Tools Platform (Eclipse) for developing J2EE applications. If you use Eclipse, you can seamlessly execute series of operations for developing J2EE applications. The following figure shows the operations that you can execute from the development environment when you use Eclipse.

Figure 1-1 Operations that can be executed from the development environment when using Eclipse


As shown in the above figure, with an environment using Eclipse, you can execute the series of operations for developing J2EE applications starting from J2EE application development through deployment, testing, debugging, and creation of an archive for deployment. All the programs created during development are managed as the Eclipse projects.

The features of using Eclipse to develop J2EE applications are as follows:

Defining Cosminexus Application Server-specific information

Cosminexus Application Server-specific definition information is coded in a property file called cosminexus.xml. Eclipse supports the creation and editing of cosminexus.xml. As a result, you can improve the efficiency of development.

Deploying and debugging on a J2EE server

You can use Eclipse to deploy J2EE applications, developed with Eclipse projects, to J2EE servers. During the deployment, Eclipse creates an archive and copies applications to an application directory, and hence the operations of copying and importing the applications on a user machine are no longer required. Also, an Eclipse-developed source is automatically built during the deployment. Additionally, you can use the Eclipse functionality to debug the deployed J2EE applications.