uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.4.1 Notes for executing the Eclipse setup functionality

This section describes the points to be considered when using the Eclipse setup functionality to build an environment.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Files and directory below Developer-installation-directory\ADP
(2) Supported versions of Eclipse
(3) Language package used in the Eclipse setup
(4) Changing the Eclipse version
(5) Installation destination of Eclipse

(1) Files and directory below Developer-installation-directory\ADP

During the execution of the Eclipse setup functionality, do not change the name and delete the files and the directory below Developer-installation-directory\ADP.

(2) Supported versions of Eclipse

The Eclipse setup functionality, provided by Developer, supports Eclipse 3.6.1 and 4.2.1. For details on the Eclipse support, see Release Notes.

Note that you can also download and use the above Eclipse versions from the download site.

(3) Language package used in the Eclipse setup

With the Eclipse setup functionality, you can build an environment in which a language package is applied.

To apply a language package, store the archive file of the attached language package in the same folder in which the Eclipse archive file is stored. We do not guarantee the operations when a language package, other than the attached language package, is used.

(4) Changing the Eclipse version

To change the Eclipse version, delete the configuration folder of Eclipse once, and then use the Eclipse setup functionality to change the version.

The following is the configuration folder:

For Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\(all users)\ADP

For Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista
C:\Users\(all users)\ADP

(5) Installation destination of Eclipse

The following folders are not supported as the Eclipse installation destination in the Eclipse setup: