uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.6.3 Changing the console settings

The standard output and the standard error output of the J2EE server processes are displayed on the console provided by Eclipse. You can change the settings for the output format of the console in the Preferences dialog box of Eclipse. To change the settings of the Eclipse console:

  1. From the Eclipse menu bar, choose Window, and then Preferences.
    The Preferences dialog box appears.
  2. In the left pane tree view, choose Run/Debug, and then Console.
    The Console page appears.


  3. Change the following items as and when required:
    Item name Specified value
    Fixed width console Specify whether to fix the number of characters to be displayed in one row in the console view.
    • Check box is selected
      The number of characters in a row will be fixed.
    • Check box is cleared
      The number of characters in a row will not be fixed.
    When fixing the number of characters in a row, also specify the Maximum character width.
    Note that if the number of characters in a row exceeds the number specified in the Maximum character width, the characters will be displayed on a new row.
    Maximum character width Specify the number of characters to be displayed in a row in the Console view. Specify a value in the range from 80 to 1000.
    You must specify the value if the Fixed-width Console box is selected.
    Limit console output Specify whether to limit the console output.
    • Check box is selected
      The console output will be limited.
    • Check box is cleared
      The console output will not be limited.
    Note that if a limit is set for the console output, and if the number of characters up to the row that has been output exceeds the buffer size specified in Buffer size of console (characters), the messages exceeding the buffer size are deleted starting from the first message. You can check the deleted messages in the following file:
    Console buffer size (characters) You can specify the buffer size of the console (number of characters) in the range from 1000 to 1000000. Adjust the buffer size to the size you want to display.
    You must specify this option if Limit console output is selected.
    Displayed tab width Specify the width of the tabs to be displayed in the Console view using number of characters. Specify a value in the range from 1 to 100.
    Show when program writes to standard out Specify whether to display the Console view at the front when the J2EE server and J2EE applications output the messages to the standard output.
    • Check box is selected
      The Console view will be displayed at the front.
    • Check box is cleared
      The Console view will not be displayed at the front.
    Show when program writes to standard error Specify whether to display the Console view at the front when the J2EE server and J2EE applications output the messages to the standard error output.
    • Check box is selected
      The Console view will be displayed at the front.
    • Check box is cleared
      The Console view will not be displayed at the front.
    Standard Out text color Specify the color of the standard output text.
    Standard Error text color Specify the color of the standard error output text.
    Standard In text color Specify the color of the standard input text.
    Background color Specify the background color of the console.
  4. Click the Apply button or the OK button.
    The settings are saved.