uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


8.1.1 Prerequisites for developing Web services

The prerequisites for developing Web services are as follows:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Runtime permissions for developing Web Services
(2) Environment variables
(3) Settings for using the JAX-WS engine

(1) Runtime permissions for developing Web Services

Note the following when executing the Web Service development plug-ins on Windows operating systems, such as Windows Vista, with an enabled UAC (User Account Control):

(a) Notes when the administrator executes operations

When a user who is logged in to Windows as the administrator executes the Web Services development plug-ins, upgrade the permissions to the administrator, and then execute the operations using Eclipse. Use methods such as right-clicking the Installation directory of Eclipse\eclipse\eclipse.exe and selecting Run as Administrator to upgrade the permissions to the administrator, and then start Eclipse.

If the administrator password or confirmation is requested, follow the instructions on the window and enter the password.

(b) Notes when the general user executes operations

(2) Environment variables

The specified environment variables are inherited, when Eclipse starts.

(3) Settings for using the JAX-WS engine

You use the JAX-WS engine to develop Web Services. To use the JAX-WS engine, you must add the following setting on the J2EE server to enable the JAX-WS engine:


(a) When operating the server with server management commands (CUI)

When operating the server with server management commands (CUI), open the following option definition file for the J2EE server in a text editor, and then add the setting:


(b) When using the management portal of Management Server

When using the management portal of Management Server, specify the setting in Extension Parameters in the J2EE Container Settings window. For details on the settings in Extension Parameters in the J2EE Container Settings window, see 10.9.2 J2EE container settings in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal Operation Guide.

(c) When using the Smart Composer functionality

When using the Smart Composer functionality, add the setting as a J2EE extension parameter in the Easy Setup definition file. For details on the Smart Composer functionality, see 1.1.3 Overview of the Smart Composer functionality in the manual uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide. For details on the Easy Setup definition file, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.