uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


5.3.4 Editing Session Bean properties

After adding an EJB-JAR property, you add and edit a Session Bean property. This section describes the cosminexus.xml editor items and settings used for adding and editing a Session Bean property.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Left pane
(2) Right pane

(1) Left pane

Select Session Bean Property. The following items are displayed, and you can add or delete the property:


Session Bean Property
Click the following button to add or delete the property:
Add button
Adds the Session Bean property.
Note that if you click the Add button, the following tags are inserted at the end of the Session Bean property in the source file:
<ejb-name>Specify the EJB name for the Session Bean property. </ejb-name>
Remove button
Deletes the Session Bean property selected in the list.

(2) Right pane

If you select Session Bean Property in the left pane, the following items are displayed in the right pane, and you can specify the property:


Session Bean Property Details
Specify the Session Bean property details.
EJB name
Specify the key for identifying Session Beans. Corresponds to the value of the <ejb-name> tag under the <session> tag exists under the <ejb-jar> tag.

Resource Reference
Specify the resource references.
Add button
Adds the resource references.
Note that if you click the Add button, the following tags are inserted at the end of the resource references tag in the source file:
<res-ref-name>Specify the resource reference name.</res-ref-name>
<linked-to>Specify linked-to.</linked-to>
You can select the added resource references to specify the following items:
  • Resource reference name
    Specify the resource reference name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <res-ref-name> tag under the <resource-ref> tag.
  • Link
    Specify linked-to for the resource references of variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <linked-to> tag under the <resource-ref> tag.
Remove button
Deletes the resource references selected in the list.

Resource Environment Variable
Specify the resource environment variables.
JavaBean Resource button
Adds the resource environment variables for JavaBean.
Note that if you click the JavaBean resource button, the following tags will be inserted at the end of the resource environment variable tag in the source file:
<resource-env-ref-name>Specify the resource environment variable name.</resource-env-ref-name>
<linked-to>Specify the JavaBean resource name.</linked-to>
</resource-env-ref >
You can select the resource environment variable of the added JavaBean to specify the following items:
  • Resource environment variable name
    Specify the resource environment variable name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <resource-env-ref-name> tag under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
  • JavaBean resource name
    Specify the JavaBean resource name of linked-to for the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <linked-to> tag under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
Queue button
Adds the resource environment variable for the queue.
Note that if you click the Queue button, the following tags are inserted at the end of the resource environment variable tag in the Source file:
<resource-env-ref-name>Specify the resource environment variable name.</resource-env-ref-name>
<resource-adapter>Specify the resource adapter name.</resource-adapter>
<queue>Specify the queue name.</queue>
</resource-env-ref >
You can select the resource environment variable of the added queue to specify the following items:
  • Resource environment variable name
    Specify the resource environment variable name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <resource-env-ref-name> tag under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
  • Resource adapter name
    Specify the resource adapter name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <resource-adapter> tag under the <linked-queue> tag that exists under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
  • Queue name
    Specify the queue name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <queue> tag under the <linked-queue> tag that exists under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
Managed Object button
Adds the resource environment variable of the administration object.
Note that if you click the Managed Object button, the following tags are inserted at the end of the resource environment variable tag in the source file:
<resource-env-ref-name>Specify the resource environment variable name.</resource-env-ref-name>
<resourceadapter-name>Specify the resource adapter name.</resourceadapter-name>
<adminobject-name>Specify the administration object name.</adminobject-name>
</resource-env-ref >
You can select the resource environment variable of the added administration object to specify the following items:
  • Resource environment variable name
    Specify the resource environment variable name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <resource-env-ref-name> tag under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
  • Resource adapter name
    Specify the resource adapter name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <resourceadapter-name> tag under the <linked-adminobject> tag that exists under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
  • Managed object name
    Specify the managed object name of the variables selected in the list. Corresponds to the value of the <adminobject-name> tag under the <linked-adminobject> tag that exists under the <resource-env-ref> tag.
Remove button
Deletes the resource environment variables selected in the list.