uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix B. Procedure for Setting the Debug Environment without Using the Development Environment Instant Setup Functionality and Eclipse setup functionality

This appendix describes the procedure for setting up the debug environment for Eclipse without using the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and Eclipse setup functionality provided by Developer. The following figure shows the flow of setting up the environment.

Figure B-1 Procedure for setting up the debug environment (Without using the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and Eclipse setup functionality)


The following table describes the references as shown in the above figure.

Operation contents References Section
1. Installation This manual Appendix B.1
2. Setting up a system in the debug environment Appendix B.2
3. Building an embedded database Appendix B.3

For details on the flow of operations after setting up the environment, see 1.5.2 Procedure for developing J2EE applications. Note that if the J2EE application contains a resource adapter, set up the properties of the resource adapter. For details on setting up the properties of a resource adapter, see Appendix B.4 Setting up resource adapter properties.

Organization of this section
B.1 Installation
B.2 Setting up the system for the debug environment
B.3 Setting up an embedded database
B.4 Setting up resource adapter properties
B.5 Uninstallation