uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix B.1 Installation

You install the programs to be used in the development environment of J2EE applications. You use the following procedure to install the programs:

  1. Installing Developer
    You use the installer to install Developer. For the installation procedure, see 2.2.1 Installing Developer.
  2. Installing Eclipse
    You download the Eclipse programs, and install. For the installation procedure of Eclipse, see (1) Installing Eclipse.
  3. Setting up Eclipse plug-in provided by Developer
    You set up the Eclipse plug-in. For the setup procedure of the Eclipse plug-in, see (2) Setting up the Eclipse plug-in provided by Developer.

This section describes how to install Eclipse and how to embed a plug-in. Note that this section also describes how to uninstall the programs. For details on how to uninstall the programs, see Appendix B.5 Uninstallation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Installing Eclipse
(2) Setting up the Eclipse plug-in that is provided by Developer

(1) Installing Eclipse

This subsection describes how to install Eclipse. Note that this subsection also describes the procedure when Developer is upgraded, and Eclipse is a different version than the earlier Eclipse.

(a) How to install Eclipse

You install Eclipse to be used for developing and executing J2EE applications. You use the following procedure to install Eclipse:

  1. Create a directory to install Eclipse.
    You create a directory to install Eclipse and a directory that is used temporarily for installing Eclipse (work directory).
  2. Acquire the archive file of Eclipse.
    Acquire the archive file of Eclipse from the Eclipse.org site. The following archive file is used for Eclipse version 4.2.1:
    For Windows x86 (including WOW64 environment)
    For Windows x64
    Reference note
    You can also use the archive file of products bundled in Developer. In such cases, you need not acquire the archive file from the download site.
  3. Extract the Eclipse archive file.
    You extract the acquired Eclipse archive file in the work directory created in step 1.
  4. Copy the extracted Eclipse file.
    You copy the Eclipse folder extracted in step 3 to the installation directory of Eclipse created in step 1.
  5. Delete the work directory.
    Reference note
    Apply a language package in conformity with the downloaded version.
(b) When using an Eclipse version different than the version used earlier

When you upgrade Eclipse, and use a version different than the earlier version, you first delete the installation directory from Windows Explorer, and then install Eclipse.

(2) Setting up the Eclipse plug-in that is provided by Developer

You use the following procedure to set up the Eclipse plug-in that is provided by Developer:

  1. Copy and paste the link file.
    There are following two types of copy source files:
    • Developer-installaion-directory\common\dropins\com.cosminexus.common.plugin.link
    • Developer-installation-directory\plugins\dropins\com.cosminexus.plugin.link
    The following is the copy destination folder:
  2. Copy eclipse.ini that exists immediately below Eclipse-installation-directory\eclipse, and save to any location.
    This is used to return Eclipse to the status before installing Developer.
  3. Edit eclipse.ini that exists immediately below Eclipse-installation-directory\eclipse.
    The following example describes the editing of eclipse.ini. Add the part in bold.
    For Windows x86 (Including WOW64)
    For Windows x64
    If Developer-installation-directory\jdk\bin is specified in the environment variable PATH, you need not code the -vm option.
    We recommend this value for Eclipse.
    When using Eclipse, if java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space occurs due to an insufficient Permanent area, increase the value of MaxPermSize to an appropriate size.
    Specify this when sharing Eclipse.
  4. Specify the -clean option to start Eclipse.
    Eclipse-installation-directory\eclipse\eclipse.exe -clean
  5. From the Eclipse menu, select Help - About Eclipse.
    Confirm that the icons with a frame are displayed in the About Eclipse dialog box.


  6. After confirming, click the OK button.
    Reference note
    • If the About Eclipse dialog box appears when starting the Eclipse that is set up, the icons with a frame might not be displayed. In such cases, if you re-start Eclipse, the icons with a frame will be displayed.
    • Based on the procedure of this section, the following Eclipse plug-ins are set up:
      Application Development Plug-in
      Sharing Library Plug-in