uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix B.2 Setting up the system for the debug environment

You set up the system for testing J2EE applications.

Use the Smart Composer functionality to set up the system. The Smart Composer functionality is a functionality that supports system setup. If you execute the commands of the Smart Composer functionality after creating a file that defines system information, you can set up a system easily.

The flow of setting up a system using the Smart Composer functionality is as follows:

  1. Setting up a Management Server
    A Management Server is an operation management process for performing batch management and operation of an Application Server.
    Set up the Management Server, and then set up the management user of the Management Server. Also, specify the settings for automatic startup of the Management Server and Administration Agent. For details on how to specify the settings, see 4.1.14 Information set up for using Management Server.
    For an overview of the Management Server and Administration Agent, see 2.3.1 Process configuration in the manual uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide.
  2. Creating an Easy Setup definition file
    The information about the system to be set up is defined in the Easy Setup definition file. In the Easy Setup definition file, define the name of the system to be set up, and the type of logical servers to be arranged in the system. Also, use the reload functionality in the debug environment of the J2EE application. The settings for using the reload functionality are also defined in the Easy Setup definition file. For details on how to create the Easy Setup definition file, see (a) Creating an Easy Setup definition file.
  3. Setting up the system
    Use the commands provided by the Smart Composer functionality to set up the system. For details on the commands used with the Smart Composer functionality, see 8. Commands Used with the Smart Composer Functionality in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.
  4. Setting up the JavaVM security policy
    When you use the security manager, you can specify the security policy of JavaVM. When specifying the security policy of JavaVM, specify the settings beforehand. When you are not using the security manager, these settings are not required. For details on how to set up the security policy of JavaVM, see (b) Setting up the security policy of JavaVM.
  5. Setting up Management Server Remote Management
    To use Management Server Remote Management in WTP connector, you must set up Management Server Remote Management beforehand. For details on setting up Management Server Remote Management, see (c) Setting Management Server Remote Management.
  6. Setting up the information output to console
    If you output information to console, you must setup the Administration Agent. For details on setting up the information output to console, see (d) Setting the information output to console.
(a) Creating an Easy Setup definition file

Create the Easy Setup definition file that defines the information about the system to be set up.

Here, the Easy Setup definition file is created using the template file (cmxdefcombinedmodel.xml) provided by Developer. The template of the Easy Setup definition file is saved at the following location. Copy the template file to any location, and then create the Easy Setup definition file.

Storage location of the template files (cmxdefcombinedmodel.xml)

For details on the contents to be defined in the Easy Setup definition file, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Note that if the debug environment is set up on a machine different from the programming environment, you will have to specify the settings to allow the host to access the Management Server. Set up the following tags under the <param> tag of the Easy Setup definition file:

When executing JSP debug, also set up the following tags under the <param> tag of the Easy Setup definition file:

(b) Setting up the security policy of JavaVM

To set up the security policy of JavaVM, edit server.policy. The following shows the storage location of the server.policy file:

Storage location of server.policy

For details on the contents to be set up in server.policy, see 2.5 server.policy (Security policy file for the J2EE server) in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

The server-name folder that is the storage location of server.policy, and the server.policy file are created when you execute the cmx_build_system command.
(c) Setting Management Server Remote Management

To use WTP connector, you must set up Management Server Remote Management. To use Management Server Remote Management, set the property to mserver.properties (Management Server environment setup file). The property to be added and the storage location of mserver.properties is as follows:

Note that property is not applied if you set property when the Management Server is running. To apply the settings, you must re-start the Management Server.

(d) Setting the information output to console

To output the information to console, add the following settings to adminagent.properties (Administration agent property file).

Note that property is not applied if the property is set when the Management Server is running. To apply the settings, you must re-start the Management Server and Administration Agent.

The settings described here are used to decide whether to output the information to console. For details on setting the number of characters to be displayed on console, see 2.6.3 Changing the console settings.