uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.2.1 Installing Developer

To install Developer, use the Hitachi integrated installer.

To install Developer, you must have the Administrator permissions or administrator privileges. For details on how to install Developer, see 2.2.2 Installing a new Application Server (For Windows) in the uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide.

When reading the installation procedure, substitute Developer for the product name Application Server.

This subsection describes the directory structure after installation, environment variable settings, and notes on re-installing Developer.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Directory structure after installation
(2) Setting environment variables
(3) Notes on re-installing Developer

(1) Directory structure after installation

If you install Developer in system-drive:/Program Files/Hitachi, a directory called Cosminexus will be created. The following figure shows the structure of the Cosminexus directory.

Figure 2-2 Directory structure of Developer


(2) Setting environment variables

When using Developer, you must set up the following environment variables as system environment variables.

Environment variable TZ
Reference note
To set an environment variable, select System in Windows Control Panel, and click the Environment Variables button in the Advanced tab. An error occurs if environment variables are not specified properly.

Restart the OS after completing the environment variable settings.

(3) Notes on re-installing Developer

This section describes notes on re-installing Developer and the required operations.

Before installing Developer, confirm that none of the component software processes are running. If any processes are running, stop all the component software processes, and then install Developer.

If you want to re-install Developer after setting up the debug environment with the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality, use the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality to unset up the debug environment beforehand. Also, unset up Eclipse. If the environments are not unset up beforehand, after re-installing Developer, manually delete the Management Server, J2EE server, performance tracer, and embedded database.