uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


1.3.2 Configuration for developing and testing on different machines

The following figure shows the configuration when the environments for developing and testing a J2EE application are built on different machines.

Figure 1-5 Configurationwhen the programming environment and debug environment are built on different machines


Note that Application Server is installed for the debug environment. For details on the component software of Application Server, see 2.2 Component software in the manual uCosminexus Application Server & BPM/ESB Platform Overview.

In a network environment where host names cannot be resolved, use any of the following methods to configure the programming and debug environments on separate machines:
  • Specify the IP address in <host-name> in the Easy Setup definition file
  • Specify the IP address in host name on the management portal
  • Specify settings to enable the resolution of the host name in files such as the hosts file
Even if an attempt is made to debug the J2EE server in a network environment where host names cannot be resolved, you cannot establish a debug connection. The J2EE server might change to a suspended state. Use any of the following methods to resolve the problem:
  1. If the J2EE server startup monitoring time (default is 10 minutes) is specified (recommended setting)
    Do not execute any operations using Eclipse. Wait for Manager to stop the J2EE server.
  2. If the J2EE server startup monitoring time (default is 10 minutes) is not specified
    End the J2EE server process from the Task Manager. End the running J2EE server process (image name: cjstartsv.exe) from the Task Manager. Take precautions so that the other J2EE server processes do not stop.