uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix K. Profiling Applications with JavaVisualVM

Java VisualVM provided by JDK is a tool that enables you to use GUI windows to perform profiling of the operations of J2EE applications.

The flow of operations to use Java VisualVM is as follows:

Figure K-1 Flow of operations to use Java VisualVM


This appendix gives an overview of the respective operations:

  1. Starting J2EE applications
    Start J2EE applications by using server management commands. For details, see Appendix K.1 Starting J2EE applications.
  2. Starting Java VisualVM
    Start Java VisualVM. For details, see Appendix K.2 Starting Java VisualVM.

The following is the procedure and notes on the above operations.

Organization of this section
K.1 Starting J2EE applications
K.2 Starting Java VisualVM
K.3 Notes