uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix K.1 Starting J2EE applications

Start the application that you are profiling in Java VisualVM. To start the application, as a prerequisite, you must start the J2EE server.

To start J2EE applications when using Java VisualVM:

  1. Start the J2EE server.
    You must start the J2EE server by executing the server management command.
    For the detailed procedure, see 2. Commands Used With J2EE server in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.
  2. Save the PID displayed on console when executing the command.
    PID is required when JavaVM (J2EE server) processes for profiling are to be specified.
  3. On the running J2EE server, start the J2EE applications for which you want to perform profiling.
    You must start J2EE applications by executing the server management commands.
    For the detailed procedure, see 2. Commands Used With J2EE server in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.