uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


6.5.3 Editing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file

This subsection describes the editing of the user extended performance analysis trace setup file.

With Developer, you can set up the trace collection points in Eclipse. The editing operations that you can perform in the Eclipse view, are as follows:

The following is a description of each procedure:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Toggling the trace collection points
(2) Setting up the trace collection points
(3) Listing, editing, and deleting the trace collection points
(4) Content specified in the trace collection points

(1) Toggling the trace collection points

You delete the specified trace collection points and set up the points as new trace collection points.

To toggle the trace collection points:

  1. Open the Java source file of the project edited in the Project Explorer view.
  2. Select a method and then from the context menu, choose Toggle Trace Collection Point.


    The trace collection points are toggled as follows:
    Status Explanation
    When the trace collection points are specified
    • The highlight for Trace collection points ON ([Figure]) on the vertical ruler of the editor is removed.
    • The trace collection points are deleted from the Trace collection points view.
    When the trace collection points are not specified
    • On the vertical ruler of the editor, Trace collection points ON ([Figure]) is highlighted.
    • The trace collection points are added in the Trace collection points view.
    Reference note
    The already specified trace collection points and the new trace collection points are highlighted. An example of the highlighting is as follows:

  • If the items in the editor cannot be selected (if the vertical ruler is not inverted), the context menu is not displayed. If the inversion of the vertical ruler by the operation is too late, wait for the inversion and then implement the operation for toggling the trace collection points.
  • The context menu is not displayed if the operation is not performed at the location of the method.
  • With 09-50, an upper limit is set for the trace collection points. If an attempt is made to set up more trace collection points than the value specified as the upper limit, a dialog box is displayed and the trace collection points cannot be set up. The procedure for setting up the upper limit for the trace collection points is as follows:
  1. From the Eclipse menu, choose Window and then Preferences.
  2. In the left pane, select User Extended Performance Analysis Trace.
    The User Extended Performance Analysis Trace page appears.
  3. In Maximum number of trace collection points, specify the upper limit for the trace collection points.
  4. Click the Apply button or the OK button.

(2) Setting up the trace collection points

You set up the trace collection points for the Java elements in the views such as the Project Explorer view included in the JavaEE perspective, and the Outline view.

To set up the trace collection points:

  1. In the Project Explorer view, select the package, class, or method.
    Select a package, class, or method.
    You can also select a package, class, or method included in a JAR file
  2. From the context menu, select Set Trace Collection Point or Set Trace Collection Point(Method Overloading).


    The trace collection points are set up.
    The following table describes Set Trace Collection Point and Set Trace Collection Point(Method Overloading).
    Display name in the context menu Explanation
    Set Trace Collection Point You can set up the trace collection points for the selected method. When you select Set Trace Collection Point, the display of the editor and view is as follows:
    • On the vertical ruler of the editor, Trace collection points ON ([Figure]) is highlighted.
    • The trace collection points are added in the Trace collection points view.
    Set Trace Collection Point(Method Overloading) You can set up the trace collection points for all the methods with the same name as the selected method.
    The trace collection points are also set up for the methods with different arguments. When you select Set Trace Collection Point(Method Overloading), the display of the editor and view is as follows:
    • Nothing is displayed in the editor.
    • The trace collection points are added in the Trace collection points view.
    The trace collection points are highlighted when the source file exists and the targets of the trace collection points are the constructors or methods. Note that if the trace collection points are set for the Java elements in a JAR file, the points are not highlighted.
    • If the JAR file contains a static initializer, the static initializer is displayed as a nameless method, but do not specify the trace collection points. The operations are not supported if the trace collection points are set up.
    • If the method arguments are of variable length and generics, changed trace collection points will be set up. In methods with variable-length arguments, ... is converted into [ ]. Also, if the arguments contain a class name using generics, the coded generics will be deleted.

(3) Listing, editing, and deleting the trace collection points

You display a list of specified trace collection points. Also, in this list display view, you can edit and delete the trace collection points.

To list, edit, and delete the trace collection points:

  1. From the Eclipse menu, select Windows, Show View, and then Other.
    The Show View dialog box appears.


  2. In the Show View dialog box, select User Extended Performance Analysis Trace and Trace Collection Point, and then click the OK button.
    The set trace collection points appear in the Trace Collection Point view.


  3. From among the trace points displayed in the Trace Collection Point view, select the trace collection points you want to edit.


    You can select multiple trace collection points by clicking on the points while keeping the Ctrl key or Shift key pressed.
    The details of the selected trace collection points are displayed in the User extended performance analysis trace view. Change the settings as and when required.
    The following table describes the items displayed in the User extended performance analysis trace details preference view.
    Item name Explanation
    Coding format# Displays the coding format of the user extended performance analysis trace setup file.
    Identifier Specify any string.
    Target sub-classes Specify whether you want to include the sub-classes as well. Note that even if the sub-class checkbox is selected, the trace collection points are not highlighted for the methods with the same name at the inheritance destination.

    Checkbox is selected
    The Sub-class flag is set to true.

    Checkbox is not selected
    The Sub-class flag is set to false.
    Event ID Specify a 4-digit hexadecimal.
    Specify in a range of 0xae02 to 0xae7e, or 0xc000 to 0xcffe.
    Trace collection level Select A, B, or C for the trace collection level specified in the coding format.
    A: Default
    B: Detailed
    C: Maintenance
    Comments Specify comments for the trace collection points.

    If the argument in the coding format is * ( asterisk), the trace collection points are not highlighted on the ruler of the editor.

  4. To delete the trace collection points displayed in a list, select the trace collection points displayed in the Trace Collection Point view, and then from the context menu, select Remove Trace Collection Point.
    You can also select the trace collection points displayed in the list and press the Delete key.
    Reference note
    If no trace collection point is selected, the context menu is not displayed.

(4) Content specified in the trace collection points

You set up the trace collection points for Java elements such as a package, class, interface, method (including an abstract method), and constructor. The contents specified in each and the examples of specification are as follows:

Reference note
The content specified in the trace collection points is as follows:
Note that the following values are specified for the Event-ID, Trace-collection-level, and Comment regardless of the type of Java elements:
  • Event-ID
  • Trace-collection-level
  • Comment

    Table 6-1 Contents specified in the trace collection points and the examples of specification

    No. Java element Specified content and example of specification
    1 Package Specification-format
    fully-qualified-package-name.* is specified.
    fully-qualified-package-name.* is specified.
    false is specified.
    • Example of specification
    2 Class Specification-format
    fully-qualified-class-name is specified.
    fully-qualified-class-name is specified.
    false is specified.
    • Example of specification
    3 Interface Specification-format
    fully-qualified-interface-name is specified.
    fully-qualified-interface-name is specified.
    true is specified.
    • Example of specification
    4 Method (under the class) Specification-format
    fully-qualified-method-name-(argument-type-name) is specified.#
    fully-qualified-method-name is specified.
    false is specified.
    • Example of specification
    5 Method (under the interface)
    (including an abstract method)
    fully-qualified-method-name-(argument-type-name) is specified.#
    fully-qualified-method-name is specified.
    True is specified.
    • Example of specification
    6 Constructor (under the class) Specification-format
    fully-qualified-class-name.<init> (argument-type-name) is specified.#
    fully-qualified-class-name.<init> is specified.
    false is specified.
    • Example of specification

    # The argument-type-name might be * (asterisk).

For details on the settings in the packages and the definition file format, see 7.5.3 Settings in the trace target methods for the user extended performance analysis trace in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

  • Developer manages the trace collection points for the workspaces. If there are multiple packages, classes, or methods (with matching arguments) with the same fully qualified name in the workspace, the operations might malfunction.
    If there are multiple packages, classes, or methods (with matching arguments) with the same fully qualified name in the workspace, the operations are not guaranteed.
  • The trace collection points managed in the workspace before the workspace is switched with the Eclipse operation Switch Workspace, are not supported.
  • If you execute the Eclipse operation Close Project, the conditional trace collection points in the project are deleted from the List of trace collection points. If a closed project is re-executed with the Eclipse operation Open project, the deleted trace collection points are restored to their original positions in List of trace collection points.
  • You cannot set the trace collection points for a local class or local anonymous class.
  • If the first definition of the method for which the trace collection points are set up is changed or deleted with an editor, the trace collection points might be deleted. If the trace collection points are deleted because the first definition of the method was changed, the trace collection points are not restored even if the first line of the method is restored with UNDO. As and when required, set the definition again.