uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


4.5 Importing resource adapters

With the development using Eclipse, you can import the resource adapters provided with Application Server in the enterprise application project. This section describes the procedure for importing resource adapters to the enterprise application project created using Eclipse.

Before you import resource adapters, make sure to create an enterprise application project. For details on the procedure for creating an enterprise application project, see 4.4.4 Creating an enterprise application project.

  1. In the Project Explorer view, select the enterprise application project as the import destination and in the context menu, select Import - Import.
    The Import dialog box is displayed.


  2. Select General - File System and then click the Next button.
    The File system page is displayed.


  3. Click the Browse button for the From directory.
    The Import From Directory dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the directory that includes the resource adapter to be imported.
    The resource adapter is stored in the following directory:


  5. Click the OK button.
    The Import From Directory dialog box closes and the directory selected in the list box on the left of the File system page is displayed. The list of files included in the selected directory will be displayed in the list box on the right side.


  6. Select the checkbox of the files you want to import.
  7. Click the Browse button for the Into folder.
    The Import into Folder dialog box is displayed.


  8. Select the root folder of the Enterprise Application project at the import destination and click the OK button.
    The Import into Folder dialog box closes.
  9. On the File system page, click the Finish button.
    The resource adapter is imported into the folder selected in step 8.
  10. In the Project Explorer view, select enterprise-application-project-at-import-destination - contents-directory - META-INF - application.xml and in the context menu, select Open.
    The application.xml file is displayed in the XML Editor.
  11. Select the Design tab.
    The Design tab screen is displayed.


  12. The 'application' displayed on the screen is deployed.
  13. Select the 'module' and in the context menu, select Add After - Modules.
    A new 'module' is added after the selected 'module'.
  14. The added 'module' is deployed and the 'connector' value is changed to the file name of the imported resource adapter.
  15. From the Eclipse menu bar, select File - Save.
    The changes in application.xml are stored and the resource adapter is imported into the Enterprise Application project.

To import resource adapters without including the resource adapters in J2EE applications, use the server management commands or the management portal.

For details on importing the resource adapters using the server management commands, see 4. Resource Adapter Settings in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide. For details on importing the resource adapters using the management portal, see 12. Managing the Logical Server Applications in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal Operation Guide.