uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


6.5.1 Flow of creating and setting up the user extended performance analysis trace setup file

The following figure shows the flow of creating and setting up the user extended performance analysis trace setup file.

Figure 6-2 Flow of creating and setting up the user extended performance analysis trace setup file


The following points provide an overview of the procedure:

  1. Importing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
    If a created user extended performance analysis trace setup file exists, you can import the user extended performance analysis trace setup file. For details, see 6.5.2 Importing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file.
  2. Editing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
    This section describes the procedure for setting up and deleting the trace collection points in the user extended performance analysis trace setup file. The operations are implemented on a view. For details, see 6.5.3 Editing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file.
  3. Exporting the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
    You export the created or edited user extended performance analysis trace setup file, and allocate the file to the execution environment. For details, see 6.5.4 Exporting the user extended performance analysis trace setup file.
  4. Setting up the user extended performance analysis trace
    You set up the parameters required for using the user extended performance analysis trace. For details, see 6.5.5 Setting up the user extended performance analysis trace.

The subsequent sections describe the procedure for creating and setting up the user extended performance analysis trace setup file in accordance with the above flow.