uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


1.7.2 Notes on using Unicode supplementary characters included in JIS X0213:2004

Some of the third level and fourth level characters of JIS X0213:2004 supported in Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista include the Unicode supplementary characters. The Unicode supplementary characters are other than the basic multilingual characters (characters with Unicode code points in the range of U+10000 to U+10FFFF). The Unicode supplementary characters are expressed as a surrogate pair in the UTF-16 encoding.

You must note the following points when using Unicode supplementary characters:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Notes on using Unicode supplementary characters in requests
(2) Notes on building and operating an environment

(1) Notes on using Unicode supplementary characters in requests

If a request containing Unicode supplementary characters is sent to Application Server from a client such as Internet Explorer 7, the Unicode supplementary characters will not be output correctly in the log and PRF trace. However, even In this case, the characters other than the Unicode supplementary characters are output correctly in the log and PRF trace.

Also, a J2EE application runs properly even if Unicode supplementary characters are included in a request.

If you want to limit the use of the Unicode supplementary characters in the request, study about the support in applications.

(2) Notes on building and operating an environment

You cannot use Unicode supplementary characters in the definitions used for building and operating an Application Server and for deploying J2EE applications and resource adapters.

The following are examples of definitions wherein the Unicode supplementary characters cannot be used: