uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


7.1 Flow of deploying J2EE applications

You export J2EE applications from the development environment and distribute them to the execution environment. This section describes the flow of deploying J2EE applications.

For smooth response of an initial request in the execution environment, execute JSP pre-compile before creating an EAR file. For details on the JSP pre-compile, see 2.5 JSP pre-compilation functionality and storing the compilation results in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.

Figure 7-1 Flow of deploying J2EE applications


An overview of each operation is as follows:

  1. Creating an EAR file
    Build a project using a build file and then create an EAR file. For details, see 7.2 Creating an EAR file.
  2. Exporting the HITACHI Connector Property file#
    To acquire the properties of a resource adapter set up in the development environment, export the HITACHI Connector Property file using the server management commands. For details, see 7.3 Exporting the HITACHI Connector Property File.
  3. Importing the J2EE application
    Import a J2EE application (EAR file) that is created using the build file into the execution environment. Use the server management commands or the management portal for import. For details, see 7.4 Importing J2EE applications to the execution environment.
  4. Importing the HITACHI Connector Property file#
    Import the HITACHI Connector Property file into the execution environment using the server management commands or the management portal. For details, see 7.5 Importing the HITACHI Connector Property file to the execution environment.
  5. Setting up the runtime property#
    Set up runtime properties in the J2EE application imported into the execution environment. Also, set up runtime properties in J2EE resources, as and when required. Use the server management commands to set up runtime properties in the J2EE application and J2EE resources. For details on how to set up runtime properties, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide.

Application properties need not be set up using the commands on the J2EE server for the applications containing cosminexus.xml.

The following sections describe how to deploy J2EE application on the basis of this flow.