uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


9.6.1 Setting up the debug environment

Create the start configuration for the batch server as the debug environment. In the start configuration, specify the following contents for the batch applications:

Create the start configuration in the Debug Configurations dialog box. The following is the procedure to create the start configuration in the Debug Configurations dialog box:

  1. From the Eclipse menu bar, choose Run - Debug Configurations.
    The Debug Configurations dialog box appears.
  2. In the left pane of the Debug Configurations dialog box, choose Cosminexus Batch Application, and click [Figure] (New launch configuration) on the tool bar.
    The Create, manage, and run configurations page appears.
  3. In Name on the right pane, specify the start configuration name.
  4. In each tab, specify the items such as the basic items, arguments, class path that will configure the starting method of the batch applications.
  5. Click the Close button.
    The items specified in the Debug Configurations dialog box are saved in the start configuration.
    When the Do you want to save the changes? dialog box appears, click the Yes button. The Debug Configurations dialog box will close, and the specified items will be saved in the start configuration.

Specify the contents required for the start configuration of the batch applications in the tab displayed in the right pane.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specifying the main class and batch server
(2) Specifying startup arguments and Java VM startup options
(3) Specifying the class path
(4) Specifying the source path
(5) Specifying the common items

(1) Specifying the main class and batch server

In the Main tab of the Debug Configurations dialog box, specify the batch application main class required for debugging, the executed batch server, and the connection to the Management Server remote management required for specifying the batch server.


Specify the following items in the Main tab:

Item name Specified value
Name Specify the name of the start configuration.
Project Specify the Java project that has developed the batch application to be debugged.
Main class Specify the main class of the batch application to be debugged.
Host name or IP address#1 Specify localhost as the host name to which the Management Server remote management will connect.
Port number #1 Specify the port number to which the Management Server remote management will connect.
Connect to Remote Management Connect to Remote Management. This enables you to specify#2 the batch server.
If the management user authentication in the Management Server Management User settings is specified as Authenticate, the Log in - Remote Management dialog box appears.
Batch server#3 Select the server for executing the batch application.

You cannot store the connection information for Remote Management for each start configuration. If there are multiple batch application start configurations, the settings of the Remote Management functionality group are shared. Therefore, if you change the connection information for one start configuration, the connection information for the other start configurations also changes.
Also, even if you delete all the batch application start configurations, the settings of Remote Management will remain.
Also, if Host name or IP address is not specified, you cannot connect to Remote Management.

You can store the selected batch server for each start configuration.

After switching the host connected to Remote Management and destroying the batch server using the management portal, if you click the Connect to the Remote Management functionality button to connect to Remote Management, and if the previously selected batch server does not exist in the Batch Server combo box, the batch server not selected by the user will be selected in the Batch Server combo box. In this case, select and save an appropriate batch server in the Batch Server combo box once again.
The Batch Server combo box also displays the batch servers that are only added but not set up with the management portal. If you select a batch server that is not set up, the batch applications cannot be executed, and therefore, a Management Server error occurs.

As and when required, specify the following items:

Item name Specified value
Include system library, when searching for a main class Select this item to include the system library in the scope of search, when you click the Search button in Main class to search the main class.
Include inherited mains, when searching for a main class Select this item to include the class that inherited the main class in the scope of search, when you click the Search button in Main class to search the main class.
Stopping in main Select this item to automatically interrupt with main, even if the breakpoint is not set up in the main method during the debugging process.
Disconnecting from Remote Management Remote Management will be disconnected. When disconnected, you cannot select the batch server. If the management user authentication in the Management Server Management User settings is specified as Authenticate, the Log in - Remote Management dialog box appears.
Do not use the security manager Specifies whether to use Security Manager for starting the batch server:
  • When Security Manager is used
    Do not select Do not use the security manager.
  • When Security Manager is not used
    Select Do not use the security manager.
The settings of the Remote Management group are only applied when you click the Connect to the Remote Management button. If you change other fields and click the Apply button when the button is activated, the settings of the Remote Management group are not applied. Consequently, if you click the Revert button when the button is activated, the settings of the Remote Management group do not return.

(2) Specifying startup arguments and Java VM startup options

Specify startup arguments for the batch applications to be debugged and the Java VM startup options in the Argument tab of the Debug Configurations dialog box.


Specify the following items in the Argument tab:

Item name Specified value
Program arguments Specify the arguments for starting the batch applications.
VM arguments Specify the Java VM startup options and the system properties for executing the batch applications.
Working directory Specify the folder for executing the batch applications.

(3) Specifying the class path

Specify the class path of the batch applications to be debugged in the Classpath tab of the Debug Configurations dialog box. Normally, you need not specify the class path if you set up the library required for the project build path beforehand. If there is a class path that is referenced at runtime, add that class path.


Specify the following items in the Classpath tab:

Item name Specified value
Classpath Specify the class path to be referenced, when the batch application is executed.

(4) Specifying the source path

Specify the path for searching the source of the interruption location, when the debugging process is interrupted, in the Source tab of the Debug Configurations dialog box. Normally, the source exists in the project, so the path need not be specified, but when an external library is used, specify the path where the source code of that library exists.

(5) Specifying the common items

In the Common tab of the Debug Configurations dialog box, specify all the options that can be commonly set up for the start configurations, such as the options for storage of the start configuration files, display on the start configuration menu bar, and for output of the files used for start configuration console output.