uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.3.1 Prerequisites for using Development Environment Instant Setup functionality

If the following conditions are applicable, you cannot set up a debug environment using Development Environment Instant Setup. The following table describes the conditions when the debug environment cannot be set up using Development Environment Instant Setup and respective measures.

Table 2-1 Conditions when the debug environment cannot be set up using the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and the respective measures

Conditions in which you cannot perform setup Measures
If the Management Server is setup by using a method other than the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality Unset up the Management Server
If the host and the server are built by using a method other than the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality Delete the host and the server
If an embedded database is setup by using a method other than Development Environment Instant Setup Unset up the embedded database
If the command extension functionality is disabled Enable the command extension functionality
If the startup type of the following services is 'Disabled'
  • Cosminexus Management Server
  • Cosminexus Management Server - Administration Agent
  • HiRDB/EmbeddedEdition_CS0
Set the startup type of the relevant services to 'Automatic' or 'Manual'