uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix I.1 Notes during version upgrade

When upgrading the version, first delete the environment set up with the earlier version.

If an environment set up with an earlier version of Development Environment Instant Setup and the MyEclipse setup functionality exists, make sure to delete the environment using the corresponding functionality of the earlier version. You cannot delete the environment with the latest version of Development Environment Instant Setup. If WTP is set up, unset up WTP.

If you have upgraded the version of Developer before deleting the environment set up with the earlier version, delete the environment of the earlier version with the following procedure. Note that even for an environment of an earlier version that was set up without using Development Environment Instant Setup and the MyEclipse setup functionality, delete the debug environment with the following procedure, and then set up the environment of the latest version.

  1. Execute the following Smart Composer functionality commands and server management commands (CUI) and unset up the J2EE server and performance tracer.
    • Developer-installation-directory\manager\bin\cmx_stop_target -m localhost:connection-http-port-number-specified-in-Development Environment Instant Setup -u Management-Server-management-user-ID-specified-in-Development Environment Instant Setup -p Management-Server-management-user-password-specified-in-Development Environment Instant Setup -mode ALL -s InstantWebSystem
    • Developer-installation-directory\CC\server\bin\cjsetup -d cmx_InstantWebSystem_unit1_J2EE_01
    • Developer-installation-directory\manager\bin\cmx_delete_system -m localhost:connection-http-port-number-specified-in-Development Environment Instant Setup -u Management-Server-management-user-ID-specified-in-Development Environment Instant Setup -p Management-Server-management-user-password-specified-in-Development Environment Instant Setup -s InstantWebSystem
  2. Copy the following files, execute the cjwebsetup command (deletion of Web container server), and unset up the Management Server.
    Files to be copied
    • Developer-installation-directory\manager\config\templates\adminagent.properties
    • Developer-installation-directory\manager\config\templates\mserver.properties
    • Developer-installation-directory\manager\config\templates\mserver.xml
    • Developer-installation-directory\manager\config\templates\mserver.cfg
    Copy-destination directory
    Command to be executed (cjwebsetup command)
    Developer-installation-directory\CC\web\bin\cjwebsetup -d cosmi_m
  3. Execute the following batch file, and unset up the embedded database:
  4. Delete the following directories:
    • Embedded-database-setup-directory\area
    • Embedded-database-setup-directory\bats
    • Embedded-database-setup-directory\conf
    • Embedded-database-setup-directory\ini