uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


3.2 Installing HiRDB SQL Executer

Use HiRDB SQL Executer for the embedded database operations. You must install HiRDB SQL Executer manually. This section describes the preparation and procedure for installing HiRDB SQL Executer.

Preparation for installation
  • If a different version or revision of HiRDB SQL Executer is already installed, you cannot install a new HiRDB SQL Executer. First uninstall the installed HiRDB SQL Executer, and then install the new HiRDB SQL Executer.
  • If you install HiRDB SQL Executer, both the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer and the light GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer will be installed. To use the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer on an OS other than Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you must first install 'Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later and 'Microsoft .NET Framework Japanese Language Pack' 2.0 or later

Installation method
  1. Execute Setup.exe that in the following folder:
  2. After installation, add the following directory in the system environment variable PATH:
To set up the system environment variable PATH, go to Windows Control Panel, select System in the Details Preference tab, and click the Environment Variable button.
If contents are already specified in the system environment variable PATH, set up the value by delimiting with semi-colons (;). If the system environment variable PATH is not set up correctly, an error occurs when HiRDB SQL Executer starts.