uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


6.2 Starting and stopping an embedded database

For using an embedded database to test a J2EE application, you must start the embedded database.

With Developer, you can start and stop an embedded database either from the short cut of the Start menu or from commands. You will require the Administrator privileges for executing either of the methods.

The execution procedures are as follows:

Using the short cut of the Start menu

Starting an embedded database
Choose Cosminexus - Start Database.

Stopping an embedded database
Choose Cosminexus - Stop Database.
Using commands for the embedded database

Starting an embedded database
Execute the following command:

Stopping an embedded database
Execute the following command:
"Developer-installation-directory\ADP\EmbeddedDB\bats\cddbstop.bat"[f [-d ]|[-d ]]

Specified during the forced termination.

Specified when the shared memory dump is output simultaneously with termination.
The shared memory dump is output in Developer-installation-directory\DB\spool\pdshmdump\shmdump.