uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.3.3 Settings for the environment to be set up

If you use Development Environment Instant Setup, you can set up the environment as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-3 System to be set up using Development Environment Instant Setup


You can use Development Environment Instant Setup to execute setup of the following components:

You can choose between the standard setup and the custom setup as the method for executing the setup. If you execute standard setup, the environment will be built with the values listed in Table 2-2. If you execute custom setup, you can change the following contents to any value:

The following table describes the environment values that are set up automatically by Development Environment Instant Setup. Choose either standard setup or custom setup depending on the environment to be built.

Table 2-2 Environment values set up by Development Environment Instant Setup

Environment Item Values set in standard setup Modifiable with custom setup
J2EE server Host name InstantHost N
J2EE server name (display name) InstantJ2EEServer N
Port number for connecting to the debugger 3999#1 Y
HTTP port number 80 Y
Port number of the simple Web server 8080 Y
Port number of the RMI registry 23152 Y
Port number of the naming service (port number of the in-process naming service) 900 Y
Number of servers that can be built 1 N
Logical server name Logical server name created with the Smart Composer functionality N
In-process HTTP server Used N
Definition of host that permits access Access from all the hosts is permitted N
Light transaction Enabled N
Fixed port number for JTA recovery 20302 N
Reload functionality Files specified for reloading are as follows:
  • Servlets
  • JSPs
Update detection interval for reload 1 second N
Security manager Not used#2 N
Class path add.class.path=Developer-installation-directory/DB/CLIENT/UTL/pdjdbc2.jar N
JSP debug Enable N
Output the stack trace to the default error page used when an exception occurs Enable N
Management Server Server name cosmi_m N
Integrating with Eclipse console output Integrated N
Output information to console Output N
Starting the Administration Agent Automatic N
Starting the Management Server Automatic N
Connection port number of the Remote Management function 28099#3 Y
Port number for receiving an end request 28005 Y
Port number for internal communication 28009 Y
Port number for connected HTTP 28080 Y
Port number of Administration Agent 20295 Y
Management user settings No authentication Y
Management user ID#4 -- Y
Password#4 -- Y
Host that is allowed to connect to the Management Server localhost N#5
Embedded database Directory in which an embedded database is created (directory for setup file and RD area file) Developer-installation-directory/ADP/DB/ N
Database size Small (100MB) N
Authorized identifier USER1#6 N
Password -- #6 N
Port number 22200 Y
Start and stop User operations#7 N
Host Number of hosts that can be built 1 N
Host name Host name created with the Smart Composer functionality N
Display name InstantHost N
Performance tracer Number of servers that can be built 1 N
Logical server name Logical server name created with the Smart Composer functionality N
Display name InstantPRF N
Resource adapter Import Import DBConnector_HiRDB_Type4_CP.rar N
Display name#8 DB_Connector_for_Cosminexus_Driver N
User ID#8 USER1#9 N
Password #8 --#9 N
description (configuration property) #8 22200#9 N
DBHostName (configuration property) #8 localhost N
Minimum number of connections and pools#8 1 N
Maximum number of connections and pools#8 8 N
Deploy Deployed N

Y: The value can be changed with custom setup.
N: The value cannot be changed with custom setup. The value as the standard setup value is set.
--: The value is not set. The cell is empty.

Used in the Eclipse debug configuration.
In a standard setup of the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality, 3999 is set up as the port number for debug connection.
In Windows XP, this port number (3999) can be allocated to a program other than OS. To avoid conflicting port numbers, use a custom setup to set different port numbers if necessary.

Specify -nosecurity in the boot option of the J2EE server.

Used for connecting to Management Server from Eclipse.

Do not make any changes other than the changes in the settings of Development Environment Instant Setup. If other changes are made, the changes in the setup and unset up of Development Environment Instant Setup cannot be executed.

If Enabled authentication is set for the Management Server management user during custom setup, "*" is set up and access from all the hosts is allowed.

You can change the values even in standard setup.

You can use Start menu shortcut and commands to start and stop the embedded database. For details on the procedure, see 6.2 Starting and stopping an embedded database.

This item is set as the Connector attribute of the imported resource adapter.

The same value as the setup value of the embedded database is set.