uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.1 Procedure for installation and setup

You install and set up the programs to be used in the J2EE application development environment.

The following figure shows the program installation and the setup procedure when using the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and Eclipse setup functionality.

Figure 2-1 Installation and setup procedure


Each operation is as follows:

  1. Installation
    Use Hitachi integrated installer to install Developer. Also, set up the environment variables required for setup. For details, see 2.2 Installation.
  2. Use the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality to set up the debug environment.
    Set up the debug environment. For details on setting up the debug environment, see 2.3 Setting up the debug environment using the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality.
  3. Set up using the Eclipse setup functionality
    Set up Eclipse. For details on setting up Eclipse, see 2.4 Setting up Eclipse using the Eclipse setup functionality.
  4. Set up the development environment
    Use Eclipse to specify the settings for developing J2EE applications. For details, see 2.5 Eclipse settings.

The proceeding sections describe the procedure. This chapter also describes about changing the settings of a setup environment, unset up, and about the un-installation of programs. For details on the respective procedures, see the following sections:

Organization of this section
(1) Notes related to setup

(1) Notes related to setup

If you execute the Eclipse setup functionality during the execution of the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality (or execute the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality during the execution of the Eclipse setup functionality), the process might end with the process status as not executed.

In such cases, re-execute the next setup process, after the first setup process is completed. Note that you need not unset up the environment before re-executing the next setup process.