uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.8.1 Unset up the debug environment

This subsection describes the unsetup procedure for the debug environment built using Development Environment Instant Setup.

When Developer is uninstalled and re-installed before unsetup of environment built using Development Environment Instant Setup, see (2) When unsetup is performed manually.


If a logical server is manually added in the debug environment built using Development Environment Instant Setup
If a logical server is manually added in the debug environment built using Development Environment Instant Setup, delete the manually added logical server before unsetup.
If unsetup is executed without deleting the manually added logical server, the logical server will still exist, which might result in an error while setting up with Development Environment Instant Setup after the unsetup.
If an error occurs, delete the manually added logical server and host (InstantHost), unsetup u, and then re-execute the setup.
Organization of this subsection
(1) When Development Environment Instant Setup is used
(2) When unsetup is performed manually

(1) When Development Environment Instant Setup is used

To execute unset up with Development Environment Instant Setup:

  1. From the Start menu, choose Program - Cosminexus - First Setup - Unsetup Debugging Environment.
  2. Development Environment Instant Setup starts and the Confirm Unsetup Details page of the Unsetup - Development Environment Instant Setup dialog box is displayed.


  3. Check the contents displayed in the Unsetup details area and click the Execute button.
    The Progress Status page is displayed.
    When the unsetup is complete, the Unsetup Results page is displayed.


  4. Click the Finish button.
    The Unset up - Development Environment Instant Setup dialog box is closed.
    Reference note

    Method of checking unsetup processing
    You can check the unsetup processing contents using the setup log. For details on how to check the setup log, see Appendix E.4 Collecting the information during the execution of the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and Eclipse setup functionality.

    Status of the servers after unsetup
    If you use Development Environment Instant Setup to execute unsetup, the status of each server is as follows:

    Table 2-5 Status of each server after unsetup

    Server name Status
    Administration Agent N
    Management Server N
    J2EE server --
    Performance tracer --
    Embedded database --

    N: Stopped
    --: Not applicable since the server was deleted.

(2) When unsetup is performed manually

If Developer is uninstalled and re-installed before the unsetup of the environment built using Development Environment Instant Setup, manually unsetup the built environment as follows:

  1. Unsetup the J2EE server and performance tracer.
    Execute the following Smart Composer functionality command and server management command (CUI) to unsetup the J2EE server and performance tracer:
    • Stop the Web system (cmx_stop_target command)
      Developer-installation-directory/manager/bin/cmx_stop_target-m localhost: port-number-for-HTTP-traffic-specified-for-Development Environment Instant Setup# -u Management-Server-management-user-ID-specified-for-Development Environment Instant Setup - p Management-Server-management-user-password-specified-for-Development Environment Instant Setup -mode ALL-s InstantWebSystem

      28080 for Standard setup.

    • Unsetup the J2EE server (cjsetup command)
      Developer-installation-directory/CC/server/bin/cjsetup-d cmx_InstantWebSystem_unit1_J2EE_01
    • Deleting the Web system (cmx_delete_system command)
      Developer-installation-directory/manager/bin/cmx_delete_system-m localhost: port-number-for-HTTP-traffic-specified-for-Development Environment Instant Setup#-u Management-Server-management-user-ID-specified-for-Development Environment Instant Setup -p Management-Server-management-user-password-specified-for-Development Environment Instant Setup -s InstantWebSystem

      28080 for Standard setup.

    For details on commands, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide .
  2. Unsetup the Management Server.
    Copy the following files and execute the cjsetup command (deleting the J2EE server) to unset up the Management Server:
    • File to be copied
    • Copy destination directory
    • Command to be executed (cjsetup command)
      Developer-installation-directory/CC/ server/bin/cjsetup -d cosmi_m
  3. Unsetup the embedded database
    For details on the unsetup of the embedded database, see Appendix B.3(3) Deleting an embedded database. Furthermore, delete the following directories manually:
    • Directory-where-the-embedded-database-was-created/area
    • Directory-where-the-embedded-database-was-created/bats
    • Directory-where-the-embedded-database-was-created/conf
    • Directory-where-the-embedded-database-was-created/ini