uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix J.2 Resources to be migrated

This section describes the resources to be migrated for each project among the resources developed in the environment before migration.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Migrating the resources of an EAR project (archive format)
(2) Migrating the resources of an EAR project (exploded archive format)
(3) Migrating the resources of a WAR project
(4) Migrating the resources of an EJB-JAR project

(1) Migrating the resources of an EAR project (archive format)

This section describes the migration of resources of an EAR project (packaged archive format). The following tables describe an example of the configuration of an EAR project, and the availability for migration of each resource in the configuration example to WTP. Note that the item numbers in the configuration example of the EAR project corresponds to the item numbers in the table.

Table J-5 Configuration example of an EAR project (For archive format)

Configuration example Number of items in Table J-6
EAR-project-location-directory --
.settings --
com.cosminexus.plugin.studio.prefs 1
EAR-root-folder --
application.xml 2
*.jar 3
Src --
*.java, *.properties 4
build-user.xml 5
.classpath 6
.project 7
*.ear 8

-: Not applicable

Table J-6 Resources of the EAR project (archive format) and their availability for migration to WTP

No. Type of resource Migration to WTP Migration destination
1 CAD configuration file N --
2 DD file [Figure] Enterprise-application-project-location-directory\Contents directory\META-INF
3 Library Y Enterprise-application-project-location-directory
4 Java source file, property file N --
5 Build file Y Enterprise-application-project-location-directory
6 Classpath file N --
7 Project description file N --
8 EAR file N --

Y: Can be migrated
[Figure]: Optional
N: Cannot be migrated
--: Not applicable
CAD configuration file: Cosminexus Application Development Plug-in configuration file

(2) Migrating the resources of an EAR project (exploded archive format)

This section describes the migration of resources of an EAR project (exploded archive format). The following tables describe an example of the configuration of an EAR project, and the availability for migration of each resource in the configuration example to WTP. Note that the item numbers in the configuration example of the EAR project corresponds to the item numbers in the table.

Table J-7 EAR project configuration example (in the exploded archive format)

Configuration example Number of items in Table J-8
EAR-project-location-directory --
.settings --
com.cosminexus.plugin.studio.prefs 1
EAR-root-folder --
application.xml 2
Copy-of-WAR-root-folder 3
Copy-of- EJB-JAR-root-folder 4
*.jar 5
Src --
*.java, *.properties 6
build-user.xml 7
.classpath 8
.project 9

-: Not applicable

Table J-8 Resources of the EAR project (exploded archive format) and their availability for migration to WTP

No. Type of resource Migration to WTP Migration destination
1 CAD configuration file N --
2 DD file [Figure] Enterprise-application-project-location-directory\Contents directory\META-INF
3 Copy of the files and folders under the WAR root folder of the WAR project N --
4 Copy of the files and folders under the EJB-JAR root folder of the EJB-JAR project N --
5 Library Y Enterprise-application-project-location-directory
6 Java source file, property file N --
7 Build file Y Enterprise-application-project-location-directory
8 Classpath file N --
9 Project description file N --

Y: Can be migrated
[Figure]: Optional
N: Cannot be migrated
--: Not applicable
CAD configuration file: Cosminexus Application Development Plug-in configuration file

(3) Migrating the resources of a WAR project

This section describes the migration of resources of the WAR project. The following tables describe an example of the configuration of an WAR project, and the availability for migration of each resource in the configuration example to WTP. Note that the item numbers in the configuration example of the WAR project corresponds to the item numbers in the table.

Table J-9 WAR project configuration example

Configuration example Number of items in Table J-10
WAR-project-location-directory --
.settings --
com.cosminexus.plugin.studio.prefs 1
War-root-folder --
Classes --
*.class, *.properties 2
Lib --
*.jar 3
web.xml 4
*.gif, *.jpg 5
*.html, *.jsp 6
Src --
*.java, *.properties 7
build-user.xml 8
.classpath 9
.project 10
*.war 11

-: Not applicable

Table J-10 Resources of the WAR project and availability of migration to WTP

No. Type of resource Migration to WTP Migration destination
1 CAD configuration file N --
2 Class file, property file N --
3 Library Y Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory\Web-contents folder\WEB-INF\lib
4 DD file Y Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory\Web-contents folder\WEB-INF
5 Image file Y Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory\Web-contents folder
6 HTML file, JSP file Y Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory\Web-contents folder
7 Java source file, property file Y Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory\src
8 Build file Y Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory
9 Classpath file N --
10 Project description file N --
11 WAR file N --

Y: Can be migrated
N: Cannot be migrated
--: Not applicable
CAD configuration file: Cosminexus Application Development Plug-in configuration file

(4) Migrating the resources of an EJB-JAR project

This section describes the migration of resources of an EJB-JAR project. The following tables describe an example of the configuration of an EJB-JAR project, and the availability for migration of each resource in the configuration example to WTP. Note that the item numbers in the configuration example of the EJB-JAR project corresponds to the item numbers in the table.

Table J-11 EJB-JAR project configuration example

Configuration example Number of items in Table J-12
EJB-JAR-project-location-directory --
.settings --
com.cosminexus.plugin.studio.prefs 1
EJB-JAR-root-folder --
ejb-jar.xml 2
*.class, *.properties 3
Src --
ejb-jar.xml 4
*.java, *.properties 5
build-user.xml 6
.classpath 7
.project 8
*.jar 9

-: Not applicable

Table J-12 Resources of the EJB-JAR project and availability of migration to WTP

No. Type of resource Migration to WTP Migration destination
1 CAD configuration file N --
2 DD file N --
3 Class file, property file N --
4 DD file Y EJB-project-location-directory\src\META-INF
5 Java source file, property file Y EJB-project-location-directory\src
6 Build file Y EJB-project-location-directory
7 Classpath file N --
8 Project description file N --
9 JAR file N --

Y: Can be migrated
N: Cannot be migrated
--: Not applicable
CAD configuration file: Cosminexus Application Development Plug-in configuration file