uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix J.7 Migrating the properties of a project

Migrate the properties of each project. This section describes the contents to be migrated in each project.

In addition to the following properties of the projects, the properties provided with Eclipse are also migrated. To migrate the properties provided with Eclipse, set up the properties in the project of WTP. The procedure is same as that for setting up the properties of the project prior to migration.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Migrating the properties of the EAR project
(2) Migrating the properties of the WAR project
(3) Migrating the properties of the EJB-JAR project

(1) Migrating the properties of the EAR project

Set up the properties of the EAR project in WTP. The following table describes the migration of properties of the EAR project to WTP.

Table J-15 Migrating the properties of the EAR project to WTP

Property of the EAR project Setup location in WTP
EAR root folder The EAR root folder corresponds to the enterprise-application-project-location-directory.
Display name The display name is set up directly under the <display-name> tag of enterprise-application-project-location-directory\contents-directoryMETA-INF\application.xml.
EAR file name#1 --#2
Specifying a build file --#3
Startup URI --#4
Setting up an embedded project Set up in the Ear Module Assembly page of the Property: Project-name dialog box.

--: Not applicable.

This property is required only in the J2EE applications of packaged archive format.

This property is not required because EAR file is not created when building in WTP.

For details on the building process using a build file, see Appendix J.8 Building a project.

Start the browser, and specify the URI directly in the address bar.

(2) Migrating the properties of the WAR project

Set up the properties of the WAR project in WTP. The following table describes the migration of properties of the WAR project to WTP.

Table J-16 Migrating the properties of the WAR project to WTP

Property of the WAR project Setup location in WTP
WAR root folder The WAR root folder is specified in the Web Module page in Content directory, when creating the dynamic Web project.
Display name The display name is set up directly under the <display-name> tag of Dynamic-Web-project-location-directory\Web-content-folder\WEB-INF\web.xml.
WAR file name --#1
JSP pre-compile --#2
Specifying a build file --#3

--: Not applicable.

This property is not required because WAR file is not created when building in WTP.

When executing a JSP pre-compile, see Appendix J.8 Building a project.

For details on the building process using a build file, see Appendix J.8 Building a project.

(3) Migrating the properties of the EJB-JAR project

Set up the properties of the EJB-JAR project in WTP. The following table describes the migration of properties of the EJB-JAR project to WTP.

Table J-17 Migrating the properties of the EJB-JAR project to WTP

Property of the EJB-JAR project Setup location in WTP
EJB-JAR root folder The EJB-JAR root folder corresponds to output-folder-of-the-EJB-project.
Display name The display name is set up directly under the <display-name> tag of EJB-project-location-directory\Source-folder\META-INF\ejb-jar.xml.
EJB-JAR file name --#1
Specifying a build file --#2

--: Not applicable.

This property is not required because EJB-JAR file is not created when building in WTP.

For details on the building process using a build file, see Appendix J.8 Building a project.