uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


3.5 Setting operational control of the embedded database

You can set up the environment variables for controlling the operations of the embedded database. Set up the environment variables using the system environment variables. To set up the system environment variables, in the Windows Control Panel, select System - Advanced tab and specify the settings in the window displayed from the Environment variables button.

See the following table for the environment variables to be set up. Also, for details about the values specified in environment settings and operations, see the manual HiRDB UAP Development Guide.

Table 3-1 Environment variables for controlling the embedded database operations

Environment variables Function Specified values
(Default value)
Description of functionality
PDTMID OLTP identifier 4 characters Specifies a unique identifier for each OLTP when one embedded database is accessed from multiple OLTP.
PDXAMODE#1 Transaction migration functionality {0|1} Specifies whether to use the transaction migration functionality while integrating with the OLTP system.
Make sure that you specify 1.
PDTXACANUM#1 Maximum number of concurrently executed transactions 1 to 2147483647
Specifies the maximum number of transactions that are concurrently executed from UAP using the XA interface. Specify an unsigned integer.
Specify the following value:
(Number of concurrent executions of the J2EE components accessing the embedded database) x (Number of connections that can be accessed by the J2EE components)
PDXARCVWTIME Transaction waiting time 0 to 270 (2) Specifies the waiting time when the transaction cannot be recovered. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is seconds.
PDUSER#1 User name and password Current user name without password Specifies the user name and password.
PDCLTAPNAME Identification name of UAP to be executed Within 30 characters
Specifies the UAP identification information (UAP identifier) that accesses the embedded database. The name specified in the environment variable is displayed as the UAP name, such as the SQL trace file. Specify a string. #2
PDDBLOG Collection of log {ALL|NO} Specifies whether to collect the database update log when UAP is executed.

UAP is executed in the log collection mode.

UAP is executed in the log less mode.
If you select NO, the transaction cannot be recovered. Make sure that you specify ALL.
PDAUTORECONNECT#1 Automatic reconnect functionality {YES|NO} Specifies whether to use the automatic reconnect functionality. When using the error detection functionality for connection in the J2EE server, specify NO.
PDRCCOUNT CONNECT retry count 1 to 200 (5) Specifies the CONNECT retry frequency of the automatic reconnect functionality. Specify an unsigned integer.
PDRCINTERVAL CONNECT retry interval 1 to 600 (5) Specifies the CONNECT retry interval of the automatic reconnect functionality. The unit is seconds.
PDCWAITTIME#1 Maximum waiting time of the J2EE server 0 to 65535 (0) Specifies the maximum waiting time of the J2EE server from the time the request is sent from the J2EE server to the embedded database until a response is returned. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is seconds.
Specify a value greater than the transaction timeout value.
PDSWAITTIME#1 Maximum waiting time of the database (Transaction processing) 0 to 65535 (600) Specifies the maximum waiting time of the embedded database from the time the embedded database returns the response to the request from the J2EE server until there is a next request from the J2EE server. The monitoring time is the time during transaction processing.
Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is seconds.
Specify a value greater than the transaction timeout value.
PDSWATCHTIME#1 Maximum waiting time of the database (Other than transaction processing) 0 to 65535 Specifies the maximum waiting time of the embedded database from the time the embedded database returns the response to the request from the J2EE server until there is next request from the J2EE server. The monitoring time is the time other than the transaction processing time.
Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is seconds.
If 0 is specified, the embedded database continues to wait until there is a request from the J2EE server. If the connection pooling function is used, specify 0.
PDTIMEDOUTRETRY System call retry count 0 to 32767 (2) Specifies the frequency for retrying connect() system call when an error occurs in the connect() system call executed when the J2EE server connects with the HiRDB server. Specify an unsigned integer.
PDCLTPATH Directory for saving the SQL trace file/ error log file Path name of current directory Specifies the directory for saving the SQL trace file and error log file created by the J2EE server.
Specify the path name.
PDSQLTRACE SQL trace file size 0 or 4096 to 2000000000 Specifies the size of the SQL trace file that outputs the SQL trace of UAP. The unit is bytes.
If 0 is specified, this value becomes the maximum file size. If the value is omitted, SQL trace is not output.
PDUAPERLOG Error log file size 0 or 4096 to 65536 (4096) Specifies the size of the error log file that outputs the UAP error log. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is bytes.
PDERRSKIPCODE Controlling message output to error log SQLCODE[, SQLCODE....] Specified when no specific error log is output.
PDPRMTRC Output of parameter information/ search data {YES|NO|IN|OUT|INOUT} Specifies whether to output the parameter information and search data in SQL trace.

The parameter information for input is output to the SQL trace. The search data information and input parameter are output.

The parameter information is not output to the SQL trace.

The parameter information for input is output to the SQL trace. Applicable to the IN parameter and INOUT parameter of the CALL statement.

The parameter information for output and search data information are output to the SQL trace. Applicable to the OUT parameter and INOUT parameter of the CALL statement.

The parameter information for input, parameter information for output, and search data information are output to the SQL trace. The INOUT parameter of the CALL statement is output twice.
PDPRMTRCSIZE Maximum data length of parameter information/ search data 4 to 32008
Specifies the maximum data length of the parameter information and search data output to the SQL trace. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is bytes.
PDTRCMODE Output of troubleshooting information {ERR|NONE} Specifies whether to output the troubleshooting information other than SQL trace (pderr*.trc information).

The pderr*.trc information is output.

The pderr*.trc information is not output.
PDUAPREPLVL Output information for UAP statistics report {[s][u][p][r]|a} Specifies the output information for the UAP statistics report.

The information is output for each SQL statement. The SQL trace information is also output.

The information is output for each UAP.

The access path information is output.

The interim result information of SQL statement execution is output.

All the information is output.
Specify the value using one of the following methods:
  • Combine and specify s, u, p, or r.
  • Specify only a.
PDREPPATH Output destination of UAP statistics report Path name Specified when the UAP statistics report is to be output to a directory different from the directory specified in PDCLTPATH.
Specify the path name.
PDSQLTEXTSIZE Size of SQL statement 4096 to 2000000 (4096) Specifies the size of SQL statement to be output to the SQL trace. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is bytes.
PDSQLEXECTIME Output of SQL execution time {YES|NO} Specifies whether to output the SQL execution time in SQL trace.

The SQL execution time is output. The unit of the output SQL execution time is microseconds. The execution time of 24 hours or more is not output normally to the SQL trace.

The SQL execution time is not output.
PDRCTRACE Size of file to output the UAP reconnection trace 0 or 4096 to 2000000000 Specifies the file size to output the UAP reconnection trace. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is bytes.
If 0 is specified, the value becomes the maximum file size. If the value is omitted, UAP reconnection trace is not output.
PDVWOPTMODE Obtaining the access path information file {0|1|2} Specifies whether to obtain the access path information file.

The access path information is not obtained.

The access path information is obtained and output to the access path information file. Here, information is not output for the SQL statements with the SQL object in the buffer.

The access path information is obtained and output to the access path information file. Here, the SQL object is re-created for the SQL statements with the SQL object in the buffer and the information is output.
PDSTJTRNOUT#2 Output of statistics log file {YES|NO} Specifies whether to output the UAP-related statistics information in the statistics log file for each transaction.

The UAP-related statistics information is output to the statistics log file for each transaction.

The UAP-related statistics information is output to the statistics log file for each connection.
PDLOCKSKIP Determining non-exclusive conditions {YES|NO} Specifies whether to determine the non-exclusive conditions.

The non-exclusive conditions are determined.

The non-exclusive conditions are not determined.
PDFORUPDATEEXLOCK Application of WITH EXCLUSIVE LOCK {YES|NO} Specifies whether to apply WITH EXCLUSIVE LOCK in the exclusion option of the SQL statement specifying (or assuming) the FOR UPDATE clause.

WITH EXCLUSIVE LOCK is applicable to the exclusion option of the SQL statement specifying the FOR UPDATE clause.

The value specified for PDISLLVL is applicable to the exclusion option of the SQL statement specifying the FOR UPDATE clause.
PDISLLVL Data guarantee level of the SQL statement 0 to 2 (2) Specifies the data guarantee level of the SQL statement. Specify an unsigned integer.
PDSQLOPTLVL#3 SQL optimization option Value specified for the SQL optimization option Specifies the optimization method (SQL optimization option) for determining the most efficient access path considering the database status. Specify an identifier or unsigned integer.
PDADDITIONALOPTLVL#3 SQL extension optimization option Value specified for the SQL extension optimization option Specifies the optimization method (SQL extension optimization option) for determining the most efficient access path considering the database status. Specify an identifier or unsigned integer.
PDHASHTBLSIZE Hash table size 128 to 524288 Specifies the hash table size when applying hash join and sub query hash execution in SQL optimization. Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is bytes.
PDDFLNVAL Default value of the embedded variable {USE|NOUSE} Specifies whether to set the default value in the embedded variable when the data in the table is retrieved in the embedded variable and the retrieved value is the NULL value.

Specifies the default value for the NULL value.

Does not specify the default value for the NULL value.
PDAGGR#4 Maximum number of groups 0 to 30000000
Specifies the maximum number of groups occurring in each database, to determine the amount of memory used for GROUP BY process.
Specify an unsigned integer.
PDDSQLOBJCACHE Reusing the buffer for SQL objects {YES|NO} Specifies whether to re-use the SQL object of the dynamic SQL in the buffer for SQL object.

The SQL object is re-used.

The SQL object is not re-used.
PDCMMTBFDDL Executing the DDL SQL statements {YES|NO} Specifies whether to execute the DDL SQL statements after auto-commit when the DDL SQL statement is executed in the transaction that executed the DML SQL statements.

The DDL SQL statements are executed after automatically committing the transaction of the DML SQL statements.

The DDL SQL statements are executed without automatically committing the transaction of the DML SQL statements.
PDBLKF Number of lines sent in one transfer process 1 to 4096 (1) Specifies the number of lines sent in one transfer process when the search results are transferred from the HiRDB server to the HiRDB client.
Specify an unsigned integer.
PDBINARYBLKF Application of the block transfer functionality {YES|NO} Specifies whether to apply the block transfer functionality when searching the table with the BINARY type selection expression of definition length 32,001 bytes or more.

The block transfer functionality is applied.

The block transfer functionality is not applied.
PDBLKBUFFSIZE Communication buffer size 0 to 2000000 (0) Specifies the size of the communication buffer between the database and client used in the block transfer functionality.
Specify an unsigned integer. The unit is bytes.
PDSPACELVL Space conversion level {0|1|3} Specifies the space conversion level used for saving, comparing, and searching data.

Spaces are not converted.

The spaces in the constants, embedded variables, or parameter data in the DML SQL statements are converted.

In addition to space conversion level 1, for searching the value expression data of the countries string type, one double-byte space character is converted into single-byte spaces of two bytes.
PDCNSTRNTNAME Position of constraint name definition {LEADING|TRAILING} Specifies the position for defining the constraint name when the reference constraint and check constraint are defined.

Defines the constraint name before the constraint definition.

Defines the constraint name after the constraint definition.

The meaning of signs used in the specified values is as follows:
{A|B}: Indicates that A or B is specified.
[C]: Indicates that the specification of C is optional.

For details on environment variables, see 4.3.3 Database settings in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide.

For details on environment variables, see the manual HiRDB Command Reference.

For details on environment variables, see the manual HiRDB SQL Reference.

For details on environment variables, see the manual HiRDB Installation and Design Guide.