uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


4.4.3 Creating a utility project

To create a utility project:

  1. From the Eclipse menu bar, choose File, New, and then Other.
    The New dialog box appears.
  2. In the New dialog box, choose Java EE, Utility Project, and then click the Next button.
    The New Java Utility Module dialog box appears.


  3. Specify the following items on the Utility Module page.
    Item name Explanation
    Project name# Specify project name of the Utility project to be created.
    Target runtime Specify Cosminexus J2EE server runtime.
    Configuration Specify project configuration.

    You can only use single-byte alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).
    Specify the following items as and when required.

    Item name Explanation
    Use default location Specify whether the default location is to be used for creating project root.
    Location If Use default location is not checked, specify the path of any location. You can also specify from the Folder Reference dialog box displayed by clicking the Browse button.
    Add a project to an EAR Specify whether the utility project to be created is to be added to an EAR project.
    EAR project name When you check Add project to an EAR, specify the EAR project to be added. You can also specify from the New EAR Application Project dialog box displayed by clicking the New Project button.
    Add a project to a working sets Specify whether the project is to be added to a working set.
    Working sets When you check Add project to working sets, specify the working set to be added. You can also specify from the Select Working Set dialog box displayed by clicking the Select button.
  4. Click the Next button.
    The Java page appears.
  5. Specify the Java build-related information and then click the Finish button.
    The utility projects created are displayed in the Project Explorer view.
    The following J2EE libraries are added in the created utility projects:
    • j2ee-javax.jar(Developer-installation-directory\CC\client\lib)
    • csmjaxp.jar(Developer-installation-directory\jaxp\lib)
    • csmjaxb.jar(Developer-installation-directory\jaxp\lib)
    • cjjaxws.jar(Developer-installation-directory\jaxws\lib)