uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


5.2.3 Notes on editing ejb-jar.xml

This subsection describes the notes on editing ejb-jar.xml.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Handling ejb-jar.xml that does not conform to DTD
(2) Naming rules for CMP fields and CMR fields
(3) Using a double-byte code in EJB QL
(4) Settings for security role references
(5) Precautions when coding the query method tags
(6) Precautions when specifying the abstract schema name
(7) Precautions when editing the <display-name> tag
(8) Using the <ejb-client-jar> tag
(9) Precautions when setting Relationship
(10) Precautions when creating DD

(1) Handling ejb-jar.xml that does not conform to DTD

The DD not conforming to EJB-JAR DTD (ejb-jar_1_1.dtd, ejb-jar_2_0.dtd, ejb-jar_2_1.xsd, ejb-jar_3.0.xsd and ejb-jar_3.1.xsd) becomes an error when importing EJB-JAR because the required items are not specified or the specification order is invalid, and therefore, you cannot import EJB-JAR. When you cannot import EJB-JAR, revise ejb-jar.xml settings.

(2) Naming rules for CMP fields and CMR fields

With the Entity Bean CMP, you cannot specify CMP field names and CMR field names beginning with underscore (_).

(3) Using a double-byte code in EJB QL

Do not use double-byte codes with EJB QL.

(4) Settings for security role references

In the role-link included in the <security-role-ref> tag, specify the role name specified in the role-name included in the <security-role> tag.

(5) Precautions when coding the query method tags

With the <method-name> tag included in the<query-method> tag of the ejb-jar.xml, you cannot code * (asterisk). You cannot import EJB-JAR containing ejb-jar.xml with * (asterisk) specified in the <query-method> tag.

(6) Precautions when specifying the abstract schema name

The <abstract-schema-name> tag cannot be duplicated with the name specified in other <abstract-schema-name> tags that exist in the same file and with the names specified in cmp-field, cmr-field. Also, you cannot use the reserved words of EJB QL in the <abstract-schema-name> tag.

(7) Precautions when editing the <display-name> tag

The <display-name> tag included in the <ejb-jar> tag is used as the file name in the work directory. Specify the <display-name> tag such that the path length of the work directory does not reach the upper limit for the OS (the default is specified on the basis of the EJB-JAR file name). For details on estimating the path length of the work directory, see Appendix C.1 Work directory of J2EE server in the manual uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide.

(8) Using the <ejb-client-jar> tag

With Developer, the functions of the <ejb-client-jar> tag of a DD coded in ejb-jar.xml are not supported.

(9) Precautions when setting Relationship

When you set a <relationships> tag with ejb-jar.xml, specify the <cmr-field> tag in any one of two <ejb-relationship-role> tags.

(10) Precautions when creating DD

You cannot code Processing Instruction, XInclusion, and a name space prefix in the DD of each project. Even if a value is coded, the value is not read correctly.