uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide



Organization of the appendixes
A. Sample Project for Checking Eclipse Operation
B. Procedure for Setting the Debug Environment without Using the Development Environment Instant Setup Functionality and Eclipse setup functionality
C. Values set up when Executing the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality
D. System Tuning in the Debug Environment
E. How to Collect Required Information When Failure Occurs
F. Migrating from Developer Version 9
G. Migrating from Developer Version 8(When Migrating from MyEclipse)
H. Migrating from Developer Version 8 (When Migrating from WTP)
I. Migrating from Developer Version 7 (When the Environment before Migration is Version 07-20 or Later)
J. Migrating from Developer Version 7 (When the Environment Before Migration is Earlier than Version 07-20)
K. Profiling Applications with JavaVisualVM
L. Required Settings when Using JSF/JPA
M. Examples of Using JavaMail
N. Glossary