uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.3.5 Custom setup of the debug environment

With the custom setup, you can build the debug environment by specifying the following contents:

To execute custom setup:

  1. From the Start menu, choose Program - Cosminexus - First Setup - Setup Debugging Environment.
    Development Environment Instant Setup is invoked and the Select the Type of Setup page of the Setup - Development Environment Instant Setup dialog box is displayed.


    If the Set up the debug environment on the local host check box is selected, a debug environment can be built as a master image for reproduction. Select the check box, if necessary.
  2. Select Custom and click the Next button.
    The Select a Debug Environment page is displayed.


  3. Select the debug environment for creating according to the environment of the machine for building the debug environment. Also, specify whether you want to create the embedded database.
    Items Specified values
    Debug environment settings Standard Creates a debug environment with the recommended settings.
    This type of environment is suitable when you develop applications on a machine with at least 1 GB of physical memory.
    Compact Select this item to build a debug environment with settings controlling the used memory. Not suitable for large-scale application development.
    Suitable when the physical memory of the machine for building the debug environment is less than 1 GB.
    Embedded database settings Create an embedded database Specify whether you want to create the embedded database.
    • If you want to build the embedded database,
      check the checkbox.
    • If you do not want to build the embedded database,
      uncheck the checkbox. Step 8 to step 11 will be omitted when the checkbox is unchecked.
    • Even in an environment built with a compact setup, there are cases when operations become unstable because of insufficient memory depending on the usage status. Therefore, execute operations after allocating the memory to be used in the development environment.
    • The compact setup cannot be used for 64 bit environments other than WOW64.
  4. Click the Next button.
    The Management Server Management User Settings page is displayed.


  5. Specify the following items:
    Items Specified values
    Disabled authentication Select this when the Management Server remote management is not used to set up the management user.
    Enabled authentication Select this when the Management Server Remote Management is used to set up the management user.
    Management user ID Specify the management user ID to be used in the Management Server remote management, when Enabled authentication is selected.
    Specify the user ID using single-byte alphanumeric characters within 8 bytes.
    Password Specify the password to be used in the Management Server remote management, when Enabled authentication is selected.
    Specify the password using single-byte alphanumeric characters within 30 bytes beginning with a single-byte alphabetic character.
    Password (confirm) Specify the value same as the value specified in Password, when Enabled authentication is selected.
  6. Click the Next button.
    The Embedded Database Setup page is displayed.
    If you deselect the Create an embedded database checkbox in step 4, the Port Number Settings page is displayed. Go to step 12.


  7. Specify and select the following items as the database settings to be used in the debug environment:
    Items Specified values
    Directory where the embedded database will be created: Specify the directory used for saving the setup file and RD area file of the embedded database within 80 bytes.
    For changing the default value, you can specify the directory to save the files using the Browse button.

    You cannot specify a directory in which any one of the following conditions are applicable:
    • Directory does not exist.
    • Directory path is described using UNC.
    • A directory or a file with the following name exists in the directory:
      area, bats, conf, ini
    • A path using a network drive is specified.
    Database size Select the size of the database to be built.
    • Small(100MB)
    • Medium(500MB)
    • Large(1GB)
  8. Click the Next button.
    The Specify Embedded Database Users page is displayed.


  9. Specify the following items:
    Items Specified values
    Authentication identifier Specify the authentication identifier to be used when operating the embedded database.
    Specify the user ID using single-byte alphanumeric characters within 8 bytes.
    Password Specify the password to be used when operating the embedded database.
    Specify the password using single-byte alphanumeric characters within 30 bytes beginning with a single-byte alphabetic character.
    Password (confirm) Specify a value same as the value specified in Password.
  10. Click the Next button.
    The Port Number Settings page is displayed.


  11. Specify the port number to be used in the debug environment.
    Specify the port number using the ([Figure]) and ([Figure]) buttons, ([Figure]) and ([Figure]) keys, or enter the number directly.
    Items Specified values
    Port number for the J2EE server Port number for connecting to the debugger Specify the port number to be used for connecting the debugger to the J2EE server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 0 to 65535.
    Port number for HTTP Specify the HTTP port number to be used by the J2EE server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for the simple web server Specify the port number for the simple Web server to be used by the J2EE server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for the RMI registry Specify the port number for the RMI registry to be used by the J2EE server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for the naming service Specify the port number for the CORBA Naming Service that is used as the naming service by the J2EE server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for the management server Port number for connecting to the Remote Management function Specify the port number for externally connecting to the Management Server Remote Management function using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for receiving an end request Specify the port number for receiving an end request in the Management Server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for internal communication Specify the port number for internal communication in Management Server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for HTTP traffic Specify the port number for HTTP traffic in Management Server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for the operation management agent Specify the port number for operation management agent to be used by the Management Server using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 1 to 65535.
    Port number for the embedded database Port number Specify the port number to be used by the embedded database using single-byte numeric characters.
    The range for specification is 5001 to 65535.
  12. Click the Next button.
    The Confirm Setup Details page is displayed.


    The set contents are displayed in the Setup details area. Check the specified values. For details on the setup values that are not specified in custom setup, see 2.3.3 Settings for the environment to be set up.
    Note that the password for the Management Server Management User and the password for the embedded database user are displayed using eight asterisk (*) characters regardless of the specified value.
  13. Click the Execute button.
    The Progress Status page is displayed.
    When the setup is complete, the Setup Results page is displayed.


  14. Click the Finish button.
    The Setup - Development Environment Instant Setup dialog box is closed.

For details on the actions to be taken when the processing is interrupted, the status of each server after setup, and the method of changing the settings that cannot be changed with Development Environment Instant Setup, see the notes and references in 2.3.4 Standard setup of the debug environment.