uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


2.4.3 Setting up the Eclipse environment

Use the Eclipse setup functionality to set up the Eclipse environment.

With the Eclipse setup functionality, you execute Eclipse installation and embed the Eclipse plug-in provided by Developer. You can also apply a language package in the environment, as required.

Note that if you install Eclipse by a method other than using the Eclipse setup functionality, you cannot use the Eclipse setup functionality to embed the Eclipse plug-in.

When using the Eclipse setup functionality, the default Eclipse installation directory is as follows:


This subsection describes how to use the Eclipse setup functionality for the setup.

To apply the Babel language package, use the Babel language package included in the product. The Babel language package downloaded from the download site is not supported.
The product has two types of Babel language packages; a package for 3.6.1 and a package for 4.2.1.
  1. From Start menu, choose Cosminexus - First Setup - Setup Eclipse.
    The Eclipse setup functionality starts and a dialog box confirming that the Eclipse archive file is downloaded appears.
    If you do not want this dialog box to appear from the next time, select the Do not display this dialog box next time check box.


  2. Click OK.
    The Eclipse installation page is displayed.


    This window appears when saving the Eclipse archive file in the archive file save directory (Developer-installation-directory\ADP\Archives).
    If the Eclipse archive file is not saved in the archive file save directory, the Next button is not activated. Specify Eclipse archive file in step 3.
  3. Specify the Eclipse installation directory and Archive files directory.
    Item name Specified value
    Eclipse installation directory: Specify the Eclipse installation directory within 50 characters.
    If you want to change the default settings, specify using the Browse button.

    You cannot specify a directory that fulfills any of the following conditions:
    • The directory does not already exist
    • The directory path is specified with UNC.
    Archive files directory: From the Browse button of the archive file directory, specify the Eclipse archive file.
  4. Click the Next button.
    The Confirm Setup Details page appears.


    Confirm the displayed contents in the Setup details: area.
  5. Click the Execute button.
    The Progress status page appears.
    When the setup is complete, the Setup results page appears.


  6. Click the Finish button.
    The Setup - Eclipse setup dialog box is closed. Eclipse is set up, and an Eclipse short cut is generated on the Desktop.
    Reference note

    When the process is interrupted
    If the process is interrupted by clicking the Cancel button, unset up, and then re-set up. For details on how to unset up, see 2.8.2 Unsetting up the Eclipse environment.
    If the process is interrupted due to an error, check the error message that is output to the Console, resolve the error, and then unset up. After that, re-set up
    For details on the error messages that are output, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Messages.

    Using the startup option of the Eclipse setup functionality
    If you want to cancel the setting Do not display this dialog box next time specified in the dialog box in step 1 and start, specify the startup option -resetdialog, and start the Eclipse setup functionality.
    Specify the startup option and execute as follows:
    Developer-installation-directory\ADP\EclipseSetup\bin\EclipseSetup.bat -resetdialog

    How to confirm the setup log
    When executing the Eclipse setup functionality, the log is output to the Eclipse setup log. For details on how to confirm the setup log, see Appendix E.4 Collecting the information when executing the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and Eclipse setup functionality.

    Maximum perm size (MaxPermSize) specified in eclipse.ini
    When Eclipse is in use, and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space occurs due to an insufficient Permanent area, increase the appropriate value of MaxPermSize.

    Changing the setting of the environment that is set up
    You can edit the eclipse.ini file to change the settings of the environment that is built using the Setup - Eclipse setup dialog box.
    The Eclipse setup information can be changed with the owner account of the configuration folder. If you want to share the Eclipse setup information with all the accounts on a local machine, as is done with version 09-00 and earlier, delete the following code in each row, in eclipse.ini: