OpenTP1 Version 7




Summary of amendments

Part 1: OpenTP1 Environment Setup

1. Environment Setup
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Overview of the environment setup procedure
1.2 Environment setup by superuser
1.2.1 Cataloging of OpenTP1 administrator
1.2.2 Definition of OpenTP1 group
1.2.3 Installation of OpenTP1
1.2.4 Creation of OpenTP1 directory
1.2.5 Cataloging of OpenTP1 into the OS and deletion of OpenTP1
1.2.6 Creation of OpenTP1 file system area
1.2.7 Setting up environment for domain communication
1.2.8 Changing common definition for the system
1.3 Environment setup by OpenTP1 administrator
1.3.1 Creation and checking of the system definition
1.3.2 OpenTP1 administrator environment setup
1.3.3 Reservation of resources for OpenTP1 internal control
1.3.4 Initialization of OpenTP1 file systems
1.3.5 Creation of OpenTP1 files
1.3.6 Creation of non-OpenTP1 files
1.3.7 Cataloging of resource manager
1.3.8 Creation of transaction control object files
1.3.9 Changing system common definition
1.4 Preparations for TP1/Message Control execution
1.4.1 Creation of the MCF main function of the MCF communication service
1.4.2 Creation of the MCF main function of the application startup service
1.4.3 Installation of the MCF main function into the directory
1.4.4 Cataloging of MCF service name
1.4.5 Creation of system service information definition file
1.4.6 Creation of definition object files
1.4.7 Preparation for acquiring command logs

Part 2: OpenTP1 Operations

2. OpenTP1 Startup and Termination
2.1 Startup
2.1.1 Startup methods
2.1.2 Startup modes
2.1.3 Selection of startup method
2.1.4 Selection of startup form
2.2 Termination
2.2.1 Termination modes
2.2.2 Termination methods
2.2.3 Notes

3. OpenTP1 Online Operation
3.1 Server operations
3.1.1 User server startup
3.1.2 User server termination
3.1.3 Display of server status
3.1.4 Search path for user server and command activated from user server
3.1.5 Replacement of user server
3.1.6 User server process
3.2 Scheduling operations
3.2.1 Display of scheduling status
3.2.2 Shutdown and restart of scheduling
3.2.3 Automatic shutdown of scheduling
3.2.4 Inter-node load balance
3.2.5 Changing the number of processes
3.2.6 Monitoring the schedule queue
3.2.7 Schedule queue congestion monitoring
3.2.8 Refreshing user server processes
3.3 Transaction operations
3.3.1 Display of transaction status
3.3.2 Forcible determination of transaction
3.3.3 Forcible termination of transaction
3.3.4 Deleting undecided-transaction information files
3.3.5 Startup and termination of collecting transaction statistics
3.3.6 Acquisition of transaction statistics when the XA resource service is used
3.4 Lock operations
3.4.1 Display of lock information
3.4.2 Display of lock control table pool information
3.4.3 Deletion of deadlock information files and timeout information files
3.5 Standard output file operations
3.6 Logging
3.6.1 Message log
3.6.2 Command log
3.7 Audit log operations
3.7.1 Setting up the environment for audit log acquisition
3.7.2 Audit log output format
3.7.3 Example of audit log file estimation
3.7.4 Information output to audit logs
3.7.5 List of audited events and their triggers
3.7.6 Examples of audit log operation
3.8 Trace operations
3.8.1 Output of UAP trace information
3.8.2 RPC trace operations
3.8.3 Swapping MCF trace information
3.8.4 Temporarily outputting MCF trace information
3.8.5 Performance verification trace operations
3.9 Shared memory operations
3.9.1 Display of shared memory utilization status
3.9.2 Buffer pool for storing messages
3.10 OpenTP1 domain operations
3.10.1 Changing the domain configuration
3.10.2 Domain representative schedule service
3.10.3 Invalidating the startup notification information
3.10.4 Verifying OpenTP1 startup and clearing the cache
3.11 Operations using TP1/NET/OSI-TP-Extended
3.12 Operations using the remote API facility
3.12.1 Preparations for using the remote API facility
3.12.2 Displaying the status of a RAP-processing listener or a RAP-processing server
3.12.3 Performance improvement of the remote API facility
3.12.4 Starting and stopping the RAP-processing listener and RAP-processing server
3.12.5 Starting and stopping the RAP-processing client manager
3.12.6 Establishing connection with RAP-processing listener
3.12.7 Cautions when using the remote API facility
3.13 Nonstop operation of OpenTP1
3.13.1 Handling resources
3.13.2 Notes on changing the configuration
3.13.3 Replacing part of an MCF communication service
3.13.4 Notes on changing the time
3.14 Operations using the XA resource service
3.14.1 Preparations for using the XA resource service
3.14.2 Transaction management using the XA resource service
3.14.3 Starting and stopping the XA resource service
3.14.4 Action to take if an error occurs in the XAR file
3.14.5 Trace information acquired by the XA resource service
3.15 Operations using Job Management Partner 1
3.15.1 System operations using scenario templates
3.15.2 Registering a scenario
3.15.3 Using Scale Out
3.15.4 Using Scale In
3.15.5 Using Rolling Update
3.15.6 Using sample scenario templates
3.16 Operations for using the real-time statistics service
3.16.1 Preparation for using the real-time statistics service
3.16.2 Starting and stopping the real-time statistics service
3.16.3 Acquiring real-time statistics
3.16.4 Outputting real-time statistics
3.16.5 Changing the settings of targets and the items to be acquired in real time

4. OpenTP1 File Operations
4.1 OpenTP1 file system operations
4.1.1 Creation of OpenTP1 file system
4.1.2 Display of OpenTP1 file system status
4.1.3 Display of OpenTP1 file system contents
4.1.4 Backup of OpenTP1 file system
4.1.5 Restoration of OpenTP1 file system
4.1.6 Change of OpenTP1 file owner
4.1.7 Change of OpenTP1 file group
4.1.8 Change of OpenTP1 file access authorization mode
4.1.9 OpenTP1 file system garbage collection
4.1.10 Change of OpenTP1 file system attributes
4.1.11 Re-creation of OpenTP1 files
4.2 Status file operations
4.2.1 Creation and definition of status files
4.2.2 Use of status files
4.2.3 Display of status file status
4.2.4 Display of status file contents
4.2.5 Status file open and close
4.2.6 Deletion of status file
4.2.7 Status file space shortage
4.2.8 Status changes for status files
4.3 System journal file operations
4.3.1 OpenTP1 journals
4.3.2 Creating and defining system journal files
4.3.3 Using system journal files
4.3.4 Unloading of system journal files
4.3.5 Reuse of system journal files
4.3.6 Display of system journal file information
4.3.7 System journal file open and close
4.3.8 Change of system journal file status
4.3.9 Swapping of system journal files
4.3.10 Nonswappable file group
4.3.11 Status changes for system journal files
4.3.12 Output of system statistics to journal
4.3.13 Chronological sorting and merging of unload journal files
4.3.14 Copying of unload journal files
4.3.15 Editing and output of unload journal files
4.3.16 Output of records of unload journal files
4.3.17 Output of uptime statistics
4.3.18 Journal integration for file recovery
4.3.19 Journal fileless mode
4.4 Recovery journal file operations
4.4.1 Transaction recovery journal file operations
4.4.2 Server recovery journal file operations
4.5 Checkpoint dump file operations
4.5.1 Creation and definition of checkpoint dump files
4.5.2 Use of checkpoint dump files
4.5.3 Deletion of checkpoint dump files
4.5.4 Automatic opening of checkpoint dump files
4.5.5 No checkpoint dump collection destination
4.5.6 Display of checkpoint dump file information
4.5.7 Checkpoint dump file open and close
4.5.8 Duplication of checkpoint dump files
4.5.9 Status changes for checkpoint dump files
4.6 DAM file operations
4.6.1 Creation of DAM files
4.6.2 DAM file status management
4.6.3 Display of DAM file status
4.6.4 DAM file addition and deletion
4.6.5 Logical file logical shutdown and release of shutdown status
4.6.6 DAM file backup and restore
4.6.7 DAM file recovery
4.6.8 DAM file lock
4.6.9 DAM file addition in online mode
4.6.10 Setting the number of cache blocks for a DAM file
4.6.11 Extending the block length for a DAM file
4.6.12 Extracting user data from a DAM file
4.7 TAM file operations
4.7.1 Creation of TAM files
4.7.2 TAM table status management
4.7.3 Display of TAM table status
4.7.4 TAM table addition and removal
4.7.5 TAM table logical shutdown and release of shutdown status
4.7.6 TAM table loading and unloading
4.7.7 TAM file backup and restoration
4.7.8 Creation of a TAM data file from a TAM file
4.7.9 TAM file deletion
4.7.10 TAM file recovery
4.7.11 TAM file lock
4.7.12 TAM file addition in online mode
4.7.13 Displaying the synonym information after creating a TAM file
4.7.14 Increasing the number of records in a TAM file

5. Sending and Receiving Messages
5.1 MCF communication service operations
5.2 Connection operations
5.3 Application operations
5.4 Logical terminal operations
5.5 Service group operations
5.6 Service operations
5.7 Protocol-specific operations
5.7.1 Startup and termination of a session
5.7.2 Display of buffer group utilization status
5.7.3 Map file
5.8 Monitoring message queues
5.9 Queue operations

6. OpenTP1 Optional Facility Operation
6.1 Resource manager operations
6.1.1 Display of information about resource manager
6.1.2 Cataloging and deletion of resource manager
6.1.3 Creation of transaction control object files
6.1.4 Resource manager monitor operations
6.1.5 Suspending OpenTP1 startup until the startup of a resource manager
6.1.6 Suspending transaction recovery (when Oracle9i RAC is used)
6.1.7 Pre-online transaction recovery

7. Operations Under the Multi-node Facility
7.1 OpenTP1 environment setup
7.1.1 Cataloging of OpenTP1 administrator
7.1.2 Definition of OpenTP1 group
7.1.3 Installation of OpenTP1
7.1.4 Creation of OpenTP1 directory
7.1.5 Creation of system definition
7.1.6 Cataloging of OpenTP1 into OS
7.1.7 Creation of OpenTP1 file system areas
7.1.8 Reservation of resources for OpenTP1 internal control
7.1.9 OpenTP1 administrator environment setup
7.1.10 Initialization of OpenTP1 file systems
7.1.11 Creation of OpenTP1 files
7.1.12 Creation of non-OpenTP1 files
7.2 OpenTP1 startup and termination
7.2.1 Startup
7.2.2 Termination
7.3 Display of OpenTP1 node status
7.4 Global journal operations
7.4.1 Configuration, creation, and definition of archive journal files
7.4.2 Use of archive journal files
7.4.3 Unloading of archive journal files
7.4.4 Reuse of archive journal files
7.4.5 Display of archive journal file information
7.4.6 Display of archive status
7.4.7 Archive journal file open and close
7.4.8 Change of archive journal file status
7.4.9 Swapping of archive journal files
7.4.10 Nonswappable target file group
7.4.11 Status changes of archive journal files
7.4.12 Chronological sorting and merging of global archive unload journal files and unload journal files
7.4.13 Editing and output of global archive unload journal files
7.4.14 Output of records of global archive unload journal files
7.4.15 Output of uptime statistics
7.4.16 Journal integration for file recovery
7.4.17 Unloading of system journal files at archive-journal source node
7.4.18 File recovery at archive-journal source node
7.4.19 Recovery of recovery journal files

8. MultiOpenTP1 Operation
8.1 MultiOpenTP1 environment setup
8.1.1 OpenTP1 administrator setup
8.1.2 Creation of OpenTP1 directories
8.1.3 Cataloging of OpenTP1s into OS
8.1.4 Initialization of OpenTP1 file systems
8.1.5 User environment setup
8.1.6 Changing a shared library
8.1.7 Creation of OpenTP1 files
8.1.8 Creation of other files
8.2 Operation command execution environment

9. Operations Under the System Switchover Facility
9.1 Preparations for using system switchover facility
9.2 Startup and termination
9.2.1 Startup
9.2.2 Termination
9.3 System switchover procedure
9.3.1 Automatic system switchover
9.3.2 Planned system switchover
9.3.3 Grouped system switchover
9.4 Standby user server
9.5 Operation commands

Part 3: OpenTP1 Error Handling Procedures

10. Error Handling Procedures
10.1 Error events and causes
10.2 OpenTP1 file errors
10.2.1 Status files
10.2.2 System journal files
10.2.3 Archive journal files
10.2.4 Recovery journal files
10.2.5 Checkpoint dump files
10.2.6 DAM file
10.2.7 TAM file
10.2.8 Message queue files
10.2.9 XAR file
10.2.10 MCF definition file
10.3 File errors
10.3.1 Message log file
10.4 Communication errors
10.5 UAP errors
10.5.1 UAP cannot be started
10.5.2 UAP does not terminate
10.5.3 UAP terminates abnormally
10.5.4 UAP deadlocks
10.6 OpenTP1 errors
10.6.1 OpenTP1 cannot be started
10.6.2 OpenTP1 cannot be terminated
10.6.3 OpenTP1 terminates abnormally
10.6.4 OpenTP1 operation command does not terminate normally
10.6.5 Response wait overtime occurs during OpenTP1 operation command execution
10.6.6 OpenTP1 errors under multinode facility
10.7 CPU errors
10.8 Information collection when error occurs
10.9 Information inherited during full recovery

11. Troubleshooting
11.1 Information to acquire and items to check
11.1.1 Information to acquire
11.1.2 Items to check
11.1.3 Method of checking traces
11.2 Troubleshooting procedures
11.2.1 When the message KFCA00307-E is output
11.2.2 When the message KFCA00327-W is output
11.2.3 When the message KFCA00328-W is output
11.2.4 When the message KFCA00502-I is output
11.2.5 When the message KFCA00837-I is output
11.2.6 When the message KFCA00854-E is output
11.2.7 When the message KFCA00906-E or KFCA00907-E is output
11.2.8 When the message KFCA01803-I is output
11.2.9 When the message KFCA01820-E is output
11.2.10 When the message KFCA01864-E is output
11.2.11 When the error -902: DCTRNER_ROLLBACK is returned
11.2.12 When a user server fails to start

Part 4: OpenTP1 Operation Commands

12. Operation Commands
12.1 Overview of operation commands
12.1.1 Operation command input methods
12.1.2 Operation command specification format
12.1.3 Displaying how to use operation commands
12.1.4 List of operation commands
12.1.5 Notes on operation command entry

13. Details of Operation Commands
damadd (Add a logical file)
dambkup (Back up a physical file)
damchdef (Set a threshold for the number of cache blocks)
damchinf (Acquire the number of cache blocks)
damdel (Delete a physical file)
damfrc (Recover logical files)
damhold (Shut down a logical file logically)
damload (Initialize a physical file)
damls (Display status of logical files)
damrles (Release logical file from shutdown)
damrm (Remove a logical file)
damrstr (Restore a physical file)
dcauditsetup (Set up the environment for the audit log facility)
dccspool (Delete troubleshooting information)
dcdefchk (Check system definitions)
dcjchconf (Set the value of an operand in the system definition)
dcjcmdex (Execute an OpenTP1 command from a scenario template)
dcjnamch (Update the domain definition file)
dcmakeup (Reserve or release resources for OpenTP1 internal control)
dcmapchg (Change map file path name)
dcmapls (Display loaded resources of map file)
dcmstart (Start multinode area or subarea)
dcmstop (Terminate multinode area or subarea)
dcndls (Display status of OpenTP1 node)
dcpplist (Display product information)
dcrasget (Acquire maintenance data)
dcreport (Edit and output system statistics to standard output in real time)
dcreset (Restart process service and reflect definitions)
dcsetup (Catalog OpenTP1 into OS, delete OpenTP1 from OS)
dcshmls (Display utilization status of common memory)
dcstart (Start OpenTP1)
dcstats (Start and terminate collecting system statistics)
dcstop (Terminate OpenTP1)
dcsvstart (Start servers)
dcsvstop (Terminate server)
filbkup (Back up an OpenTP1 file system)
filchgrp (Change an OpenTP1 file group)
filchmod (Change an OpenTP1 file access authorization mode)
filchown (Change an OpenTP1 file owner)
fills (Display contents of an OpenTP1 file system)
filmkfs (Initialize an OpenTP1 file system)
filrstr (Restore an OpenTP1 file system)
filstatfs (Display status of an OpenTP1 file system)
jnladdpf (Allocate journal physical files)
jnlardis (Forces to release connection to resource group)
jnlarls (Display archive status)
jnlatunl (Control the automatic unloading facility)
jnlchgfg (Change status of journal files)
jnlclsfg (Close journal files)
jnlcolc (Integrate file recovery journals)
jnlcopy (Copy unload journal files)
jnldelpf (Delete journal physical files)
jnledit (Edit and output unload journal files or global archive unload journal files)
jnlinit (Initialize journal files)
jnlls (Display journal files information)
jnlmcst (Output MCF uptime statistics)
jnlmkrf (Recover journal files)
jnlopnfg (Open journal files)
jnlrinf (Display journal information that is read during restart)
jnlrm (Delete journal files)
jnlrput (Output records of unload journal files or global archive unload journal files)
jnlsort (Sort and merge unload journal files or global archive unload journal files chronologically)
jnlstts (Output uptime statistics)
jnlswpfg (Swap journal files)
jnlunlfg (Unload journal files)
lckls (Display lock information)
lckpool (Display lock control table pool information)
lckrminf (Delete deadlock information file and timeout information file)
logcat (Display message log file)
logcon (Switch message log realtime output facility)
mcfaactap (Release shutdown of applications)
mcfaclcap (Initialize abnormal terminations counts for applications)
mcfadctap (Shut down applications)
mcfadltap (Delete timer activation requests for applications)
mcfalsap (Display status of applications)
mcfalstap (Display application timer startup requests)
mcfreport (Edit MCF statistics)
mcfstats (Output MCF statistics)
mcftactcn (Establish connections)
mcftactle (Release shutdown of logical terminals)
mcftactmj (Start message journal collection for logical terminals)
mcftactsg (Release service groups from shutdown)
mcftactss (Start a session)
mcftactsv (Release services from shutdown)
mcftchcn (Switch connections)
mcftdctcn (Release connections)
mcftdctle (Shut down logical terminals)
mcftdctmj (Terminate message journal collection for logical terminals)
mcftdctsg (Shut down service groups)
mcftdctss (Terminate a session)
mcftdctsv (Shut down services)
mcftdlqle (Delete output queues for logical terminals)
mcftdlqsg (Delete input queues of service groups)
mcftdmpqu (Copy contents of input/output queues)
mcftedalt (Terminate alternate sending)
mcftendct (Terminate forcibly continuous inquiry-response processing for logical terminals)
mcfthldiq (Hold process of input queue for service groups)
mcfthldoq (Hold process of a logical terminal output queue)
mcftlsbuf (Display utilization status of buffer groups)
mcftlscn (Display status of connections)
mcftlscom (Reference MCF communication service status)
mcftlsle (Display status of logical terminals)
mcftlsln (Display network status)
mcftlssg (Display status of service groups)
mcftlssv (Display status of services)
mcftlstrd (Display the status of multi-processing of messages)
mcftlsutm (Display user timer monitoring status)
mcftofln (Stop accepting server-type connection establishment requests)
mcftonln (Start accepting server-type connection establishment requests)
mcftrlsiq (Release held process of a service group input queue)
mcftrlsoq (Release held process of a logical terminal output queue)
mcftspqle (Skip first message in a logical terminal message queue)
mcftstalt (Start alternate sending)
mcftstart (Partial start of an MCF communication service)
mcftstop (Partial stop of an MCF communication service)
mcftstptr (End acquiring an MCF trace)
mcftstrtr (Start acquiring an MCF trace)
mcftswptr (Swap MCF trace files forcibly)
mcfuevt (Start application programs)
namalivechk (Verify OpenTP1 startup and clear cache)
namblad (Manipulate RPC suppression list of OpenTP1 nodes)
namchgfl (Change domain configuration (by using the domain definition files))
namdomainsetup (Register and delete domain representative schedule service)
namndchg (Change domain configuration (by using the system common definition))
namsvinf (Display OpenTP1 server information)
namunavl (Forcibly invalidate the OpenTP1 start notification information)
prckill (Forcibly terminate OpenTP1 process)
prcls (Display status of servers)
prcpath (Change search path names for user server and for command activated from user server)
prcpathls (Display search path names for user server and for command activated from user server)
prctctrl (Stop or restart the prctee process)
prctee (Redirect standard output and standard error output of OpenTP1)
prfed (Edit and output trace information files)
prfget (Get trace information files)
queinit (Allocate physical file for message queue)
quels (Display status of queue groups)
querm (Delete physical file for message queue)
rapdfgen (Automatically generate definitions for using the remote API facility)
rapls (Display the status of a RAP-processing listener or a RAP-processing server)
rapsetup (Set up execution environment for the remote API facility)
rpcdump (Output RPC trace information)
rpcmrg (Merge RPC traces)
rpcstat (Display execution status of temporary closing)
rtsedit (Edit and output RTS log files)
rtsls (Output real-time statistics to standard output)
rtssetup (Set execution environment for real-time statistics service)
rtsstats (Change targets and items for real-time statistics acquisition)
scdchprc (Change the number of processes)
scdhold (Shut down scheduling)
scdls (Display scheduling status)
scdrles (Release scheduling shutdown)
scdrsprc (Stop and restart processes)
stsclose (Close a status file)
stsfills (Display contents of a status file)
stsinit (Create and initialize a status file)
stsls (Display status of status files)
stsopen (Open a status file)
stsrm (Delete a status file)
stsswap (Swap status files)
tamadd (Add a TAM table)
tambkup (Back up a TAM file)
tamcre (Initialize a TAM file)
tamdel (Delete a TAM file)
tamfrc (Recover a TAM file)
tamhold (Shut down a TAM table logically)
tamhsls (Display the synonym information about a hash-format TAM file and TAM table)
tamlckls (Convert TAM locked resource names)
tamload (Load a TAM table)
tamls (Display status of TAM tables)
tamrles (Release TAM table from shutdown)
tamrm (Remove a TAM table)
tamrstr (Restore a TAM file)
tamunload (Unload a TAM table)
tptrnls (Display undecided transaction information for OSI TP communication)
trncmt (Commit transactions)
trndlinf (Delete undecided-transaction information files)
trnfgt (Terminate transactions forcibly)
trnlnkrm (Catalog and delete resource managers)
trnls (Display status of transactions)
trnlsrm (Display information about resource manager)
trnmkobj (Create a transaction control object file)
trnrbk (Roll back transactions)
trnstics (Start and terminate collecting transaction statistics)
usmdump (Output memory dump)
xarevtr (Display XAR event trace information)
xarfills (Display XAR file status)
xarforce (Change the status of an XAR transaction)
xarhold (Shut down the XA resource service)
xarinit (Create an XAR file)
xarls (Display XAR transaction information)
xarrles (Release XA resource service from shutdown status)
xarrm (Delete an XAR file)

A. Dump File Format of Input/Output Queues
B. OpenTP1 Events
B.1 Cataloging events
B.2 OpenTP1 events that can be cataloged
C. Information Output for Audited Events
D. Journal Information Collected by the Message Control Facility
D.1 AJ record format
D.2 GJ record format
D.3 IJ record format
D.4 MJ record format
D.5 OJ record format
D.6 Conditions for collecting journals by the message control facility
D.7 Calculation formula of the necessary amount of journal collected by the message control facility
E. Details of Statistics
E.1 System statistics
E.2 Statistics about transaction
E.3 Statistics about response
E.4 Statistics about communication delay
E.5 Real-time statistics
F. List of Files Output by OpenTP1
G. Estimating the Size of the Physical File for a Message Queue
G.1 Estimation formula of the record length
G.2 Estimation formula of the number of records
G.3 Estimation example
H. Estimating the Size of OpenTP1 Files
H.1 Estimating the size of a status file
H.2 Estimating the size of a system journal file
H.3 Estimating the size of a server recovery journal file
H.4 Estimating the size of a checkpoint dump file
H.5 Estimating the size of an archive journal file
H.6 Estimating the size of a DAM file
H.7 Estimating the size of a TAM file
I. Estimating the Number of Record Locks
J. Estimating the Resources Used by UNIX Message Exchange Functions
K. Estimating the Size of an OpenTP1 File System
L. Acquiring Performance Verification Traces
M. Details About Scenario Templates
M.1 OpenTP1_AddNode (Add an OpenTP1 node to the domain definition file)
M.2 OpenTP1_ChangeNodeID (Set the node ID of an OpenTP1 node)
M.3 OpenTP1_Deploy (Register OpenTP1)
M.4 OpenTP1_ScenarioAddNode (Add a new OpenTP1 node to the domain)
M.5 OpenTP1_Start (Start OpenTP1)
M.6 OpenTP1_StartUAP (Start a UAP)
M.7 OpenTP1_Stop (Stop OpenTP1)
M.8 OpenTP1_StopUAP (Stop a UAP)
M.9 OpenTP1_Undeploy (Delete OpenTP1)
M.10 OpenTP1_UpdateDomain (Update the domain configuration)
M.11 OpenTP1_ScenarioScaleout (Scale Out sample scenario template)
