OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


tptrnls (Display undecided transaction information for OSI TP communication)




The tptrnls command displays information, including ID and status, about undecided transactions that perform the OSI TP communication using XATMI. This command also uses the OSI TP format to display information about transaction branches across more than one OSI TP communication.

Output format


The above format covers one transaction branch. The command outputs this format for each of the undecided transactions. The information enclosed in the brackets [ ] is output for each of the times there is more than one OSI TP communication that a transaction branch is performing.

  1. aa...aa
    Global transaction ID (character string)
    Transaction branch ID (character string)
    Transaction branch status (character string)
  4. dd...dd
    Process ID of the process in which the transaction is operating (decimal)
    Name of the server that started the transaction branch (character string)
  6. ff...ff
    Name of the service that started the transaction branch (character string)
    Master AP name of the atomic action identifier (hexadecimal)
  8. hh...hh
    Master AE qualifier of the atomic action identifier (decimal)
  9. ii...ii
    Suffix of the atomic action identifier (atomic action number) (decimal)
  10. jj...jj
    Superior AP name of the branch identifier (hexadecimal)
  11. kk...kk
    Superior AE qualifier of the branch identifier (decimal)
  12. ll...ll
    Suffix of the branch identifier (branch number) (decimal)
    Remote AE name (hexadecimal)

1. and 2. are the same as TRNGID and TRNBID, respectively, output by the trnls command.

3. is the same as the transaction's first status output by the trnls command.

4., 5. and 6. are the same as PID, server, and service, respectively, output by the trnls command.

7., 8., 10., 11. and 13. are the same as the items defined for TP1/NET/OSI-TP-Extended.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA03770-E Execution of the XATMI command failed. Standard error output
KFCA03771-I There is no undecided transaction concerning XATMI. Standard output
