OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


trncmt (Commit transactions)


Trncmt {-t [-af]|-T transaction-global-identifier [-af]}


When the information displayed by the trnls command indicates READY(p,n) status, the trncmt command commits forcibly a transaction branch, notifies the other transaction branches, and then terminates the transaction. This command should be entered when a root transaction branch is to be committed.

The trncmt command is entered when no transaction branch constituting a global transaction is able to determine the transaction for some reason (communication error, etc.). All the transaction branches in the global transaction must be committed in order to avoid inconsistency with other transactions. If a communication error has occurred, the transaction cannot be terminated until communication among its transaction branches has been completed. When the -f option is specified, the transactions are terminated forcibly. If the communication error is temporary, it is better to execute the trncmt command without specifying the -f option.



Specifies that all transactions on READY(p,n) status that are managed by the transaction manager on the corresponding computer are to be committed. Information about the transactions to be committed will be output to the standard output.

-T transaction-global-identifier~<16 alphanumeric characters>

Specifies the transaction global identifier that is to be committed, but only if it is on READY(p,n) status. Information about the transaction to be committed will be output to the standard output.

The transaction global identifier can be obtained by the trnls -t command.


Specifies that all information about the transactions is to be output to the standard output.

When this option is omitted, only the OpenTP1 system node ID through the service name will be output to the standard output.


Specifies that the transactions are to be terminated forcibly.

When this option is omitted, the transactions are not terminated forcibly.

Output format

When the -a option is specified, the output format is the same as output format (1) for the trnls command; otherwise, it is the same as output format (5) for the trnls command.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA00970-E Processing error occurred during trncmt command execution. Standard error output
KFCA00976-I Help message Standard output
KFCA00978-E Usage of trncmt command is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA00979-E trncmt command execution environment has not been set up. Standard error output