OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


mcftstop (Partial stop of an MCF communication service)


mcftstop -s MCF-communication-process-identifier


The mcftstop command stops part of an MCF communication service.

When you replace some files of an MCF communication service, execute this command before you replace the files and partially stop the target MCF communication service.

If this command is used incorrectly, the OpenTP1 system may end abnormally. Read the notes carefully before you use this command.


-s MCF-communication-process-identifier~<numerals (0-9), a-f> ((01-ef))

Specify the MCF communication process identifier of the MCF communication service that you want to stop partially. You cannot specify multiple MCF communication process identifiers.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA10350-I The mcftstop command has been entered. Standard output
KFCA10351-E The MCF is being started. Standard error output
KFCA10352-E The MCF is being ended. Standard error output
KFCA10353-W The input format is incorrect. Standard error output
KFCA10354-E Memory is insufficient. Standard error output
KFCA10355-W The specified argument is incorrect. Standard error output
KFCA10356-E A timeout error occurred. Standard error output
KFCA10358-E An error occurred in an internal function. Standard error output
KFCA10359-W A response to the source of the mcftstop command failed. Message log file
KFCA10370-I The mcftstop command has been accepted successfully. Standard output
KFCA10372-E The mcftstop command ended abnormally. Standard error output
KFCA10380-E A search for the target process failed. Standard error output
KFCA10391-E The mcftstop command is not supported. Standard error output
KFCA16521-I Partial stop of the MCF communication service is being prepared. Message log file
KFCA16522-I The MCF communication service is now partially stopped. Message log file
KFCA16526-E The MCF communication service is not online. Standard error output
KFCA16528-E A feature that cannot be used together with this feature is being used. Standard error output


If this command is used incorrectly, the OpenTP1 system may end abnormally. Read the following notes carefully before you use the command.