OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


mcftstptr (End acquiring an MCF trace)


mcftstptr -s MCF-communication-process-identifier


The mcftstptr command ends the acquisition of an MCF trace and outputs the acquired trace data to the MCF trace file.


-s MCF-communication-process-identifier~<numerals (0-9), a-f> ((01-ef))

Specify the identifier of the MCF communication process for which you want to end acquiring an MCF trace.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA10261-I Acquisition of trace data is ended. Message log file
KFCA10264-W The command is ignored since trace data is being output. Message log file
KFCA10265-E Command processing is canceled since the output to the trace file failed. Message log file
KFCA10266-W Acquisition of trace data is not started. Message log file
