OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


Appendix K. Estimating the Size of an OpenTP1 File System

You specify the size of an OpenTP1 file system in the -n option of the filmkfs command. The formula for estimating the size of an OpenTP1 file system is as follows:

[Figure] ((T + (t x 2 x s) + 4096 + 2 x ([Figure] s (64 x L) [Figure] s + [Figure] s (12 x L + 28) [Figure] s + [Figure] s (16008) [Figure] s)) / (1024 x 1024)) [Figure]

[Figure] [Figure]: Decimals are rounded up to a whole number.
T: Total size of all OpenTP1 files
t: Number of T files
s: Value specified in the -s option of the filmkfs command (512 for a UNIX file)
[Figure] s[Figure] s: Value rounded up to a multiple of the value specified in the -s option of the filmkfs command (512 for a UNIX file)
L: Value specified in the -l option of the filmkfs command

The total size of OpenTP1 files consists of the sizes of the different types of OpenTP1 files shown in the following table.

The formulas shown below do not contain the management information (2-sector area) that is added when an OpenTP1 file is created. Therefore, the actual size of a created file is the result of any of the following formulas plus the length of the two sectors.

Table K-1 Formulas for estimating the sizes of OpenTP1 files

OpenTP1 file name Formula for estimating the file size
(Unit: bytes)
Status file Value specified in the -s option of stsinit x value specified in the -c option of stsinit

  • System journal file
  • Checkpoint dump file
  • Archive journal file
  • Transaction recovery file
  • Server recovery journal file
Value specified in the -n option of the jnlinit command x 4096 + 12288
DAM file (Number of blocks specified in the damload command + 1) x (block length specified in the damload command + 8)
TAM file

For tree format
S + [Figure] s (([Figure] w (152 + L) [Figure] w) x M) [Figure] s + [Figure] s ((R + 5) x M) [Figure] s

For hash format
S + [Figure] s(([Figure] w (152 + L) [Figure] w) x (T + M - 1)) [Figure] s + [Figure] s ((R + 5) x (T + M - 1)) [Figure] s
Message queue file Value specified in the -s option of the queinit command x value specified in the -n option of the queinit command
XAR file Value specified in the -n option of the xarinit command x value specified in the -s option of the xarinit command (if the -s option is omitted, the sector length in the OpenTP1 file system)
MQA file For details about how to estimate the size of a queue file, see the manual OpenTP1 TP1/Message Queue User's Guide.
ISAM file For details about how to estimate the size of an ISAM file, see the manual Indexed Sequential Access Method ISAM.

S: Sector length of the OpenTP1 file system (512 for a UNIX file)
[Figure] s[Figure] s: Value rounded up to a multiple of S
[Figure] w[Figure] w: Value rounded up to a multiple of 4
L: Value specified in the -l option of the tamcre command
M: Value specified in the -m option of the tamcre command
R: Value specified in the -r option of the tamcre command
T: Result of M x U / 100 rounded truncated to a whole number (M = 1 when the result is less than 1)
U: Value specified in the -u option of the tamcre command