OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


Appendix E.5 Real-time statistics

Organization of this subsection
(1) Details about real-time statistics
(2) Details about real-time statistics (when a target is specified)

(1) Details about real-time statistics

The following table shows the details about real-time statistics.

Table E-6 Details about real-time statistics

Type (type of real-time statistics) Edited information Details
Event (real-time statistics item name) Acquired information
CPD (checkpoint dump information) Collection of cpd Number of items Number of events that caused the collection of checkpoint dumps
Length of time Interval between the previous checkpoint and the current checkpoint (interval of events that cause checkpoint collection). Since a checkpoint is collected after the output of a preset number of journal blocks, the frequency of collecting checkpoint dumps is expressed as a time value here.
Validation of cpd Number of items Number of events that caused the collection of checkpoint dumps
Length of time Length of time from an event that collects a checkpoint dump and the startup of collection processing in each system server to the completion of validation of the checkpoint dump
JNL (journal information) Buffer full occurrences Number of items Buffering is disabled because the free area in the buffer was too small when an attempt was made to store a journal record in the current buffer. There are three journal buffers in the system, of which one is the current buffer.
Waits for an available buffer Number of items The system is waiting for a free buffer. Journals cannot be buffered because all three journal buffers are full or journals are being output.
Journal output Number of times Number of times journal blocks are output
Data length Data length in a journal block. You can make an assumption about the probable number of journals that are generated during a unit of time based on this value.
I/O waits Number of times Number of times journal output is completed
Number of buffers x 100 Number of buffers waiting for output when journal output is completed. The number of buffers is multiplied by 100 to prevent truncation of the decimal part of the average value.
Write Number of times Number of outputs, including journal outputs and outputs of file management information when journal swapping occurs.
Length of time Length of time required for writing journal files.
Swap Number of times Number of times journal files are swapped
Length of time Length of time required for swapping journal files
Journal input Number of times Number of times data is input from a journal file
Data length Length of data input from a journal file
Read Number of times Number of inputs, including journal inputs and inputs of file management information when journal swapping occurs.
Length of time Length of time required for reading journal files.
LCK (lock information) Lock acquisition Number of items Number of waits for a lock
Length of time Length of time from the occurrence of a lock wait and entry into the wait status to release of the wait status. The lock described here indicates the internal locks set by the lock service issued by the dc_lck_get function, DAM, TAM, and MQA.
Lock wait Number of items Number of waits for a lock
Queue length Length of the wait queue when lock waits are generated
Deadlock Number of items Number of deadlocks that occurred. The deadlocks detected by the system server are not acquired in the real-time statistics of each service.
NAM (name information) Global Cache hits Number of times Number of times the information about the service group stored in the global cache area is referenced during a search for information about the service group. Note that the number of references may not match the number of communications.#1
Local Cache hits Number of times Number of times the information about the service group stored in the local cache area is referenced during a search for information about the service group. Note that the number of references may not match the number of communications.#1
Lookup Number of times Number of times the information about the service group stored in the global cache area or the local cache area is referenced when a UAP executes an RPC.
When the information about the applicable service group is not stored in the global cache area or the local cache area, global cache hits or local cache hits are not counted. However, the number of searches for service information is counted. As a result, the number of global cache hits and the number of local cache hits may not match the number of searches for service information.
OSL (shared memory management information) Common static memory(acquired) Number of times Number of times the function for allocating or releasing static shared memory is issued plus 1
Memory block size Total size of static shared memory blocks used after static shared memory blocks are allocated or released
Common static memory(pool) Number of times Number of times the pool size is updated plus 1
Memory block size Maximum size of static shared memory blocks in use (size up to the highest memory block currently in use). This information is acquired if the previous pool size is updated after the allocation or release of blocks.
The pool size is the total size of the shared memory in use, including empty areas in the pool created by releasing the allocated shared memory.
Accordingly, specify a value larger than this size in the static_shmpool_size operand in the system environment definition.
This information is the total size from the beginning of acquisition, not the size acquired during the preset length of time for acquisition specified in the rts_trcput_interval operand in the real-time statistics service definition.
Common dynamic memory(acquired) Number of times Number of times the function for allocating or releasing the dynamic shared memory is issued plus 1
Memory block size Total size of dynamic shared memory blocks in use after allocating or releasing the dynamic shared memory blocks
Common dynamic memory(pool) Number of times Number of times the pool size is updated plus 1
Memory block size Maximum size of dynamic shared memory blocks in use (size up to the lowest memory block currently in use). This information is acquired if the previous pool size is updated after allocation or release of blocks. Specify a value larger than this size in the dynamic_shmpool_size operand in the system environment definition.
This information is the total size from the beginning of acquisition, not the size acquired during the preset length of time for acquisition specified in the rts_trcput_interval operand in the real-time statistics service definition.
PRC (process information) Process generations Number of times Number of processes started by the OpenTP1 system. This number includes the number of processes of non-resident servers.Because only the number of processes started by the process service is counted, the process service itself and the processes that are not started by the process service are not included.
UAP abnormal terminations Number of times Number of times UAP processes terminate abnormally for each user server. This number includes cases when a user server goes down but does not include processes that terminate abnormally after dc_rpc_close. For details about the relationship between process termination and item counts, see Table E-7.
System server abnormal terminations Number of times Number of times the system server terminates abnormally. This information may not be acquired if the system server terminates abnormally and the OpenTP1 system goes down.

If OpenTP1-provided servers that operate as SPPs (such as TP1/EE, the RAP-processing server, and RTSSUP) go down, those terminations are included in UAP abnormal terminations, not System server abnormal terminations.
For details about the relationship between process termination and item counts, see Table E-7.
Process terminations Number of times Number of times processes terminate, including normally terminated processes, processes that are stopped by the dcsvstop command with the -f option or by the prckill command, and by processes that are forcibly stopped due to an actual time-monitoring timeout error. This information does not include the counts of UAP abnormal terminations and System server abnormal terminations. For details about the relationship between process termination and item counts, see Table E-7.
Number of processes Number of times Number of observations (monitoring) during a preset length of time. Monitoring is usually performed every 60 seconds. Monitoring is performed every 2 seconds when the dcstart, dcstop, dcsvstart, dcsvstop, eesvstart, or eesvstop command is executed.
Number of processes Number of system services and UAP processes started in the OpenTP1 system. Because this information includes only the number of processes started by the process service, the process service itself and the processes that are not started by the process service are not included in the count. This information is the total number from the beginning of acquisition, not the number acquired during the preset length of time for acquisition specified in the rts_trcput_interval operand in the real-time statistics service definition.
QUE (message queue information) Read message Number of times Number of times messages are read from the queue file
Message length Length of a message read from the queue file
Write message Number of times Number of times messages are written into the queue file
Message length Length of a message written into the queue file
Read errors Number of items Number of cases where errors occurred during input from a physical file (abnormal-condition cases)
Write errors Number of items Number of cases where errors occurred during output to a physical file (abnormal-condition cases)
Waits for an available buffer Number of items Number of cases where required I/O buffers became insufficient due to congestion of requests for the target queue file. Use this value to check the number of I/O buffers in the message queue service definition.
Real reads Number of times Number of inputs generated from a physical file when the I/O buffer contains no messages. To decrease this value, increase the number of I/O buffers in the message queue service definition.
Real writes Number of times Number of outputs generated for a physical file. When you compare this value and the value for Write message, you can determine how many write requests were input and output at one time. To decrease the number of inputs and outputs, increase the number of I/O buffers in the message queue service definition. When you use the deferred write facility, the number of outputs to a physical file is included in the count of Number of delay writings. Therefore, Hitachi recommends that you set 0 for Real writes.
Number of delay writings Number of times Number of deferred write requests that are generated when the deferred write facility is used
Number of times Number of writes (Real writes) to a physical file per deferred write request when the deferred write facility is used
Number of delay writing records Number of times Number of times deferred write requests are generated for each physical file when the deferred write facility is used
Number of records Number of records whose writing is deferred. Although this information is acquired for each physical file, the information is displayed for all the physical files and not for each physical file. Use this value to tune the number of I/O buffers in the message queue service definition.
Delay writing record rate Number of times Number of times deferred write requests are generated for each physical file when the deferred write facility is used
Percentage of messages Percentage of all messages whose writing is deferred. Although this information is acquired for each physical file, the information is displayed for all the physical files and not for each physical file. Use this value to tune the number of I/O buffers in the message queue service definition.
RPC (RPC information) RPC calls Number of times Number of times synchronous-response dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to are called. This information is acquired when synchronous-response dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to are successful.
Length of time Length of time between sending a request from the client to the server in synchronous-response dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to, and receiving a response from the server. This value is acquired when synchronous-response dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to are successful. The time includes the length of time for retries if the transmission of a request to the server in synchronous-response dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to fails and the transmission of the request to the server is retried.
RPC calls(chained) Number of times Number of times chained dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to are called between the start and end of a chained RPC. This information is acquired when chained dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to are successful.
Length of time Length of time between sending a request from the client to the server in a chained dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to, and receiving a response from the server between the start and end of a chained RPC. This value is acquired when a chained dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to is successful.
Execution of user service Number of times Number of times service functions requested by dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to are executed. When the service retry facility is used to retry service functions, the number of times the service functions are retried is not included.
Length of time Length of time between the start of the execution of service functions requested by dc_rpc_call and dc_rpc_call_to and the point at which the service functions issue return values. This value is obtained in dc_rpc_mainloop. When the service retry facility is used to retry service functions, the length of time required to retry the service functions is included.
RPC overtimes Number of items Number of timeout errors that are generated during the response wait processing of the RPC
SCD (schedule information) Schedule Waits Number of times Number of times service requests (dc_rpc_call) are issued by the client to the applicable user server
Queue length Number of service requests remaining in the schedule queue of the applicable user server (SPP).
When this value is too large, increase the value specified in the parallel_count operand in the user service definition. When non-resident processes exist, decrease the value specified in the balance_count operand so that the non-resident processes can be easily started.
When this value is too small, if necessary, decrease the number of resident processes specified in the parallel_count operand in the user service definition. When non-resident processes exist, increase the value specified for the balance_count operand as necessary so that the non-resident processes are not easily started.
When the difference between the average and the maximum value is too great, adjust the ratio of the resident process count and the non-resident process count specified in the parallel_count operand and the maximum number of processes.
Schedule Number of times Number of times service requests (dc_rpc_call) are issued by the client to the applicable user server
Message length Length of the service request message received by the applicable user server (SPP). The message length includes the control information (512 bytes) added by the system.#2
Size of using buffer Number of times Number of times service requests (dc_rpc_call) are issued by the client to the applicable user server
Buffer pool size Size of the buffer pool being used to store messages for the applicable user server (SPP). However, if a shared buffer pool is used, the size of the shared buffer pool is acquired.
Message size in case of lack of buffer Number of times Of the service requests (dc_rpc_call) that are issued by the client to the applicable user server, the number of service requests that cannot be scheduled due to the insufficient size of the buffer pool for storing messages
Message length Of the service requests to the applicable user server (SPP), the length of the service request message that cannot be scheduled due to the insufficient size of the buffer pool for storing messages
Schedule Stay Number of times Number of times service requests are fetched from the schedule queue
Length of time Length of time between the storage in the schedule queue of service requests (dc_rpc_call) that are sent to the applicable user server and fetching of those service requests
Schedule Waits of service Number of times Number of times clients have issued service requests (dc_rpc_call) to the applicable user server. This information is acquired only if the scdsvcdef definition command is specified in the user service definition.
Queue length Number of service requests that have been in the schedule queue of the applicable user server (SPP). This information is acquired only if the scdsvcdef definition command is specified in the user service definition.
Size of using buffer of service Number of times Number of times clients have issued service requests (dc_rpc_call) to the applicable user server. This information is acquired only if the scdsvcdef definition command is specified in the user service definition.
Buffer pool size Size of the buffer pool being used to store messages for the applicable user server (SPP). However, if a shared buffer pool is used, the size of the shared buffer pool is acquired. This information is acquired only if the scdsvcdef definition command is specified in the user service definition.
Parallel Service Number of times Number of times service requests are fetched from the schedule queue. This information is acquired only if the scdsvcdef definition command is specified in the user service definition.
Number of services The number of service requests that the applicable user server (SPP) is executing concurrently. This information is acquired only if the scdsvcdef definition command is specified in the user service definition.
TRN (transaction information) Commits Number of items Number of transactions that are committed
Rollbacks Number of items Number of transactions that are rolled back
Commit settlement by command Number of items Number of transactions that are committed by commands
Rollback settlement by command Number of items Number of transactions that are rolled back by commands
Hazard settlement by command Number of items Number of transactions that are heuristically settled as hazards by commands
Mixed settlement by command Number of items Number of transactions that are heuristically settled as mixed by commands
Branch execution time Number of times Number of times transaction branches are executed
Length of time Actual length of time between the start of services as transactions and the completion of synchronous point processing
Branch synchronous point processing time Number of times Number of times synchronous point processing is executed
Length of time Actual length of time required for synchronous point processing that is executed after the termination of services executed as transactions (this time is included in Branch execution time shown above)
RTS (real-time statistics) Arbitrary section Number of times Number of times dc_rts_utrace_put is called
Length of time Length of time between calling of dc_rts_utrace_put with the DCRTS_START flag and calling of dc_rts_utrace_put with the DCRTS_END flag. Statistics for Arbitrary section are not acquired as the statistics for the entire system.
DAM (DAM information) Read Number of times Number of times dc_dam_read is called. This information is acquired when dc_dam_read is successful.
Data length Buffer length specified in the argument of dc_dam_read.
Read errors Number of items Number of times errors are detected in DAM cache blocks and the DAM blocks read from a disk and the number of read errors on a disk. Errors such as invalid API arguments are not included in this count.
Write Number of times Number of times dc_dam_write and dc_dam_rewrite are called. This information is acquired when dc_dam_write and dc_dam_rewrite are successful.
Data length Buffer length specified in the arguments of dc_dam_write and dc_dam_rewrite.
Write errors Number of items Number of errors that occurred while the data in DAM cache blocks was written to a disk. Depending on the time when a transaction is committed, this information may not be acquired for each service. Errors such as invalid API arguments are not included in this count.
FJ output frequency Number of times Number of times recovery journals (FJ) are output. Depending on the time when a transaction is committed, this information may not be acquired for each service.
Journal size Number of recovery journals (FJ). Depending on the time when a transaction is committed, this information may not be acquired for each service.
Number of DAM transaction branches Number of times Number of transaction branches related to the DAM
Number of transactions Number of transaction branches related to the DAM that are executed by the first DAM service function executed in the transaction. If the number of transaction branches related to the DAM is less than the value specified in the dam_tran_process_count operand in the DAM service definition, the system outputs the value specified in the dam_tran_process_count operand. The maximum value for this item is the maximum number of transaction branches related to the DAM that are simultaneously executed. When you specify this value in the dam_tran_process_count operand in the DAM service definition or use it in the formula for the dam_cache_size operand or the dam_cache_size_fix operand, the shared memory for the DAM cache is optimized.
DAM cache-block securing frequency Number of times Number of times DAM cache blocks are allocated
Common memory for DAM use rate Number of times Number of transactions that updated the DAM file specified for deferred update divided by 10
Usage rate of shared memory pool Usage rate of the shared memory for the DAM cache. Note that this value is updated only within the transactions that update the DAM files specified for deferred update.
TAM (TAM information) Table file real renewal Number of times Number of times data is updated in a TAM file. Timer-start, cpd, and the tamhold command are available as events for updating a TAM file. When multiple TAM files are updated for one update event, the count increases only by one.
Number of data bytes Number of bytes in the data that is actually updated in a TAM file during online operation. This value includes all the data written for one update event. When multiple TAM files are updated, this value is the total number of bytes updated in those TAM files.
Table file real renewal time Number of times Number of times data is updated in a TAM file. Timer-start, cpd, and the tamhold command are available as events for updaing a TAM file. When multiple TAM files are updated for one update event, the count is increased only by one.
Length of time Processing time required for a TAM file update. This information indicates the length of time, in microseconds, required for one update event.
Number of tam record references Number of times Number of commits and rollbacks related to the TAM
Number of records Number of records that are referenced in one transaction. The number of records is counted, regardless of whether dc_tam_read is called, because this value is determined and output by the commit processing of the TAM server. Therefore, in a system that does not call dc_tam_read, only the number of records is counted, and the maximum value, minimum value, and average are all 0.
Number of tam record renewal Number of times Number of commits and rollbacks related to the TAM
Number of records Number of records updated in one transaction. The number of records is counted, regardless of whether dc_tam_write is called, because this value is determined and output by the commit processing of the TAM server. Therefore, in a system that does not call dc_tam_write, only the number of records is counted, and the maximum value, minimum value, and average are all 0.
Read Number of times Number of times dc_tam_read is called. This information is acquired when dc_tam_read is successful.#3
Data length Length of data input to a TAM file each time dc_tam_read is read.#3
Read errors Number of items Number of errors that occurred in dc_tam_read in the interface with the OS. Errors such as invalid API arguments are not included in this count.#3
Write Number of times Number of times dc_tam_write and dc_tam_rewrite are called. This information is acquired when dc_tam_write and dc_tam_rewrite are successful.#4
Data length Length of data output from a TAM file each time dc_tam_write or dc_tam_rewrite is called#4
Write errors Number of items Number of errors that occurred in dc_tam_write and dc_tam_rewrite in the interface with the OS. Errors such as invalid API arguments are not included in this count.#4
XAR (XA resource service information) Start() request Number of times Number of times transaction start requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction start requests sent from an application server
Start() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction start requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Call() request Number of times Number of times service requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the service requests sent from an application server
Call() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the service requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
End() request Number of times Number of times transaction end requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction end requests sent from an application server
End() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction end requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Prepare() request Number of times Number of times transaction preparation processing requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction preparation processing requests sent from an application server
Prepare() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction preparation processing requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Commit() request Number of times Number of times transaction commit processing requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of the execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction commit processing requests sent from an application server
Commit() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction commit processing requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Rollback() request Number of times Number of times transaction rollback processing requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction rollback processing requests sent from an application server
Rollback() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction rollback processing requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Recover() request Number of times Number of times transaction notification requests that have been prepared or heuristically determined are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction notification requests that have been prepared or heuristically determined and sent from an application server
Recover() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction notification requests that have been prepared or heuristically determined and sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Forget() request Number of times Number of times transaction abort requests are sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
Length of time Length of time from the start to the end of execution by the RAP-processing server of the transaction abort requests sent from an application server
Forget() request error Number of items Number of errors that occurred in the transaction abort requests sent from an application server to the RAP-processing server
MCF (MCF information) Schedule Stay Number of times Number of times the MHP retrieved messages from the input queue
Length of time Wait time until the MHP retrieves a message after it is placed in the input queue by the MCF communication process
Execution of user service Number of times Number of times MHP executed services
Length of time Time from the start of service function execution to issuance of return by the service function

The name service stores information in the global cache area about the service group running on the nodes specified in the all_node operand in the system common definition, and stores information in the local cache area about the service group running on the local node. When a UAP or a command executes an RPC, the required information about the service group is searched for in the global cache area and the local cache area.

For the message_buflen operand in the user service definition, Hitachi recommends that you set the value of the message size (maximum). For the message_store_buflen operand in the user service definition, Hitachi recommends that you specify a value within the following range:
Message length (average) x schedule wait queue length (maximum) <= message_store_buflen <= message length (maximum) x schedule wait queue length (maximum)

Includes dc_dam_read that accesses TAM tables.

Includes dc_dam_write and dc_dam_rewrite that access TAM tables.

The following table shows the relationship between process termination and the applicable item counts in the real-time statistics.

Table E-7 Process termination and applicable item counts

Process and termination Applicable item count
When a UAP process terminates with a CPU time monitoring timeout error UAP abnormal terminations
When OpenTP1-provided servers operating as SPPs (TP1/EE, RAP-processing server, RTSSUP, RTSSPP) go down
When a UAP process goes down
When the system server goes down but the system does not go down (trnrvd (transaction recovery service) and clttrnd (client-executed process)) System server abnormal terminations
When a UAP process terminates normally Process terminations
When a UAP process is forcibly terminated by using the dcsvstop command with the -f option specified or the prckill command
When a UAP process terminates due to an actual time-monitoring timeout error

The following table shows the real-time statistics information that is edited.

Table E-8 Edited real-time statistics information

Type (type of real-time statistics) Edited information Item ID
(Event ID)
Operand name Acquisition target
Event (real-time statistics item name) Unit (acquired information) Value to be output SVC SRV SYS
Ttl Max, Min, Avg
CPD (checkpoint dump information) Collection of cpd events (number of items) Yes No 1000 rts_cpd_collct_cpd N N Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Validation of cpd events (number of items) Yes No 1001 rts_cpd_validt_cpd N N Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
JNL (journal information) Buffer full occurrences events (number of items) Yes No 1100 rts_jnl_buf_full N N Y
Waits for an available buffer events (number of items) Yes No 1101 rts_jnl_wait_buf N N Y
Journal output times (number of times) Yes No 1102 rts_jnl_jnl_output N N Y
bytes (data length in bytes) No Yes
I/O waits times (number of times) Yes No 1103 rts_jnl_io_wait N N Y
surfaces (number of buffers x 100) No Yes
Write times (number of times) Yes No 1104 rts_jnl_write N N Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes N N Y
Swap times (number of times) Yes No 1105 rts_jnl_swap N N Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Journal input times (number of times) Yes No 1106 rts_jnl_jnl_input N N Y
bytes (data length in bytes) No Yes
Read times (number of times) Yes No 1107 rts_jnl_read N N Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes N N Y
LCK (lock information) Lock acquisition events (number of items) Yes No 1200 rts_lck_lock_acqst Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Lock wait events (number of items) Yes No 1201 rts_lck_lock_wait Y Y Y
events (queue length) No Yes
Deadlock events (number of items) Yes No 1202 rts_lck_deadlock Y Y Y
NAM (name information) Global Cache hits times (number of times) Yes No 1300 rts_nam_global_cache_hit Y Y Y
Local Cache hits times (number of times) Yes No 1301 rts_nam_local_cache_hit Y Y Y
Lookup events (number of times) Yes No 1302 rts_nam_lookup Y Y Y
OSL (shared memory management information) Common static memory (acquired) times (number of times) Yes No 1400 rts_osl_stamem_acq N N Y
bytes (memory block size in bytes) No Yes
Common static memory (pool) times (number of times) Yes No 1401 rts_osl_stamem_pol N N Y
bytes (memory block size in bytes) No Yes
Common dynamic memory (acquired) times (number of times) Yes No 1402 rts_osl_dynmem_acq N N Y
bytes (memory block size in bytes) No Yes
Common dynamic memory (pool) times (number of times) Yes No 1403 rts_osl_dynmem_pol N N Y
bytes (memory block size in bytes) No Yes
PRC (process information) Process generation times (number of times) Yes No 1500 rts_prc_prc_genert N Y Y
UAP abnormal terminations times (number of times) Yes No 1501 rts_prc_uap_abnml N Y Y
System server abnormal terminations times (number of times) Yes No 1502 rts_prc_sys_abnml N N Y
Process terminations times (number of times) Yes No 1503 rts_prc_prc_term N Y Y
Number of processes times (number of times) Yes No 1504 rts_prc_prc_num N N Y
Process (number of processes) No Yes
QUE (message queue information) Read message times (number of times) Yes No 1601 rts_que_read N Y Y
bytes (message length in bytes) No Yes
Write message times (number of times) Yes No 1602 rts_que_write N Y Y
bytes (message length in bytes) No Yes
Read errors events (number of items) Yes No 1603 rts_que_read_err N Y Y
Write errors events (number of items) Yes No 1604 rts_que_write_err N Y Y
Waits for an available buffer events (number of items) Yes No 1605 rts_que_wait_buf N Y Y
Real reads times (number of times) Yes No 1606 rts_que_real_read N Y Y
Real writes times (number of times) Yes No 1607 rts_que_real_write N Y Y
Number of delay writings times (number of times) Yes No 1650 rts_que_delay_wrt N N Y
times (number of times) No Yes
Number of delay writing records times (number of times) Yes No 1651 rts_que_delay_rec N N Y
records (number of records) No Yes
Delay writing record rate times (number of times) Yes No 1652 rts_que_delay_msg N N Y
% (percentage of messages) No Yes
RPC (RPC information) RPC calls times (number of times) Yes No 1700 rts_rpc_rpc_call Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
RPC calls(chained) times (number of times) Yes No 1701 rts_rpc_rpc_call_chained Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Execution of user service times (number of times) Yes No 1730 rts_rpc_usr_srvc Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
RPC overtimes events (number of items) Yes No 1731 rts_rpc_rpc_ovrtim Y Y Y
SCD (schedule information) Schedule Waits times (number of times) Yes No 1800 rts_scd_scd_wait Y# Y Y
events (queue length) No Yes
Schedule times (number of times) Yes No 1801 rts_scd_schedule Y Y Y
bytes (message length in bytes) No Yes
Size of using buffer times (number of times) Yes No 1802 rts_scd_using_buf Y# Y Y
bytes (buffer pool size in bytes) No Yes
Message size in case of lack of buffer times (number of times) Yes No 1803 rts_scd_lack_buf Y Y Y
bytes (message length in bytes) No Yes
Schedule Stay times (number of times) Yes No 1804 rts_scd_scd_stay Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Schedule Waits of service times (number of times) Yes No 1805 rts_scd_svc_scd_wait Y Y Y
events (queue length) No Yes
Size of using buffer of service times (number of times) Yes No 1806 rts_scd_svc_using_buf Y Y Y
bytes (buffer pool size in bytes) No Yes
Parallel Service times (number of times) Yes No 1807 rts_scd_parallel Y Y Y
counts (number of services) No Yes
TRN (transaction information) Commits events (number of items) Yes No 1900 rts_trn_commit Y Y Y
Rollbacks events (number of items) Yes No 1901 rts_trn_rollback Y Y Y
Commit settlement by command events (number of items) Yes No 1902 rts_trn_cmt_cmd N N Y
Rollback settlement by command events (number of items) Yes No 1903 rts_trn_rbk_cmd N N Y
Hazard settlement by command events (number of items) Yes No 1904 rts_trn_haz_cmd N N Y
Mixed settlement by command events (number of items) Yes No 1905 rts_trn_mix_cmd N N Y
Branch execution time times (number of times) Yes No 1906 rts_trn_branch Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Branch synchronous point processing time times (number of times) Yes No 1907 rts_trn_sync_point Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
RTS (real-time statistics) Arbitrary section times (number of times) Yes No 1000000-2147483647 - Y Y N
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
DAM (DAM information) Read times (number of times) Yes No 2000 rts_dam_read Y Y Y
bytes (data length in bytes) No Yes
Read errors events (number of items) Yes No 2001 rts_dam_read_err Y Y Y
Write times (number of times) Yes No 2002 rts_dam_write Y Y Y
bytes (data length in bytes) No Yes
Write errors events (number of items) Yes No 2003 rts_dam_write_err Y Y Y
FJ output frequency times (number of times) Yes No 2004 rts_dam_fj Y Y Y
bytes (journal size in bytes) No Yes
Number of DAM transaction branches times (number of times) Yes No 2005 rts_dam_trn_branch Y Y Y
transaction (number of transactions) No Yes
DAM cache-block securing frequency times (number of times) Yes No 2006 rts_dam_cache_block Y Y Y
Common memory for DAM use rate times (number of times) Yes No 2007 rts_dam_shm_pool N N Y
% (percentage of shared memory pool used) No Yes
TAM (TAM information) Table file real renewal times (number of times) Yes No 2100 rts_tam_real_renew N N Y
bytes (number of data bytes) No Yes
Table file real renewal time times (number of times) Yes No 2101 rts_tam_real_renew_time N N Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Number of tam record references times (number of times) Yes No 2102 rts_tam_rec_refer N Y Y
records (number of records) No Yes
Number of tam record renewal times (number of times) Yes No 2103 rts_tam_rec_renew N Y Y
records (number of records) No Yes
Read times (number of times) Yes No 2104 rts_tam_read Y Y Y
bytes (data length in bytes) No Yes
Read errors events (number of items) Yes No 2105 rts_tam_read_err Y Y Y
Write times (number of times) Yes No 2106 rts_tam_write Y Y Y
bytes (data length in bytes) No Yes
Write errors events (number of items) Yes No 2107 rts_tam_write_err Y Y Y
XAR (XA resource service information) Start() request times (number of times) Yes No 2500 rts_xar_start N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Start() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2501 rts_xar_start_err N Y Y
Call() request times (number of times) Yes No 2502 rts_xar_call N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Call() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2503 rts_xar_call_err N Y Y
End() request times (number of times) Yes No 2504 rts_xar_end N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
End() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2505 rts_xar_end_err N Y Y
Prepare() request times (number of times) Yes No 2506 rts_xar_prepare N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Prepare() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2507 rts_xar_prepare_err N Y Y
Commit() request times (number of times) Yes No 2508 rts_xar_commit N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Commit() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2509 rts_xar_commit_err N Y Y
Rollback() request times (number of times) Yes No 2510 rts_xar_rollback N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Rollback() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2511 rts_xar_rollback_err N Y Y
Recover() request times (number of times) Yes No 2512 rts_xar_recover N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Recover() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2513 rts_xar_recover_err N Y Y
Forget() request times (number of times) Yes No 2514 rts_xar_forget N Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Forget() request error events (number of items) Yes No 2515 rts_xar_forget_err N Y Y
MCF (MCF information) Schedule Stay times (number of times) Yes No 2300 rts_mcf_ap_scd_stay Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Execution of user service times (number of times) Yes No 2301 rts_mcf_ap_usr_srvc Y Y Y
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes

Ttl: Total
Max: Maximum
Min: Minimum
Avg: Average
SVC: Acquired for each service.
SRV: Acquired for each server.
SYS: Acquired for the entire system.
Yes or Y: Applicable.
No or N: Not applicable.

For information acquired on a service basis, only times (number of times) is valid.

(2) Details about real-time statistics (when a target is specified)

The following table shows the details about real-time statistics when a target is specified.

Table E-9 Details about real-time statistics (when a target is specified)

Type (type of real-time statistics) Edited information Details
Event (real-time statistics item name) Acquired information
NAM (name information) Lookup to specified node Number of items Number of times search requests for service information are sent from each node to the specified reference node
When a UAP or a command executes an RPC, they may send search requests for service information to the node specified in the all_node operand in the system common definition to find the required information about the service group.
Response of Lookup from specified node Number of items Number of times each node receives the responses to the search requests for service information from the specified reference node. When a UAP or a command executes an RPC, they may send search requests for service information to the node specified in the all_node operand in the system common definition to find the required information about the service group.
MCF (MCF information) Residence time on input message#1 Number of times Number of times the MHP retrieved messages from the input queue
Time Wait time until the MHP retrieves a message after it is placed in the input queue by the MCF communication process.
Residence time on output message of synchronous#1 Number of times Number of times the MCF communication process processed synchronous send messages.
Time Length of time until processing is performed by the MCF communication process after the UAP requests transmission of a synchronous send message.
Residence time on output message of response#1 Number of times Number of times the MCF communication process processed inquiry response send messages.
Time Length of time until processing is performed by the MCF communication process after a transaction is determined to have been committed following a UAP request for transmission of an inquiry response send message.
Residence time on output message of priority#1 Number of times Number of times the MCF communication process processed priority branch send messages.
Time Length of time until processing is performed by the MCF communication process after a transaction is determined to have been committed following a UAP request for transmission of a priority branch send message.
Residence time on output message of normal#1 Number of times Number of times the MCF communication process processed normal branch send messages.
Time Length of time until processing is performed by the MCF communication process after a transaction is determined to have been committed following a UAP request for transmission of a priority branch send message.
Number on input message queue#2 Number of times Number of times the MCF communication process placed messages in the input queue, and the number of times MHP retrieved messages from the input queue
Number of items Number of messages held in the input queue. If this value is large, increase the parallel_count operand value in the user service definition.

Information acquired for each logical terminal.

Information acquired for each service group.

The following table shows the format for specifying a target for acquiring real-time statistics.

Table E-10 Format for specifying a target for acquiring real-time statistics

Type (type of real-time statistics) Event (real-time statistics item name) Format for specifying target
Acquisition target name 1#1 Acquisition target name 2#2
NAM (name information) Lookup to specified node Port number#3 IP address#3
Response of Lookup from specified node
MCF (MCF information) Residence time on input message Logical terminal None
Residence time on output message of synchronous
Residence time on output message of response
Residence time on output message of priority
Residence time on output message of normal
Number on input message queue None Service group name

When acquiring statistics:
Specify this in the -o option in the rtsput definition command with obj specified for the -u option or the rtsstats command.
When displaying or editing statistics:
Specify this in the -s option in the rtsls command with svc specified for the -u option or the rtsedit command.

When acquiring statistics:
Specify this in the -b option in the rtsput definition command with obj specified for the -u option or the rtsstats command.
When displaying or editing statistics:
Specify this in the -v option in the rtsls command with svc specified for the -u option or the rtsedit command.

Specify the IP address and port number of the node specified in the all_node operand in the system common definition or specified in the domain definition file.

The following table shows the information produced from real-time statistics when a target is specified.

Table E-11 Edited real-time statistics information (when a target is specified)

Type (type of real-time statistics) Edited information Item ID
(Event ID)
Operand name Acquisition unit#
Event (real-time statistics item name) Units (acquired information) Value to be output SVC SRV SYS
Ttl Max, Min, Avg
NAM (name information) Lookup to specified node events (number of items) Yes No 1303 rts_nam_node_lookup N N N
Response of Lookup from specified node events (number of items) Yes No 1304 rts_nam_node_lookup_responce N N N
MCF (MCF information) Residence time on input message times (number of times) Yes No 2350 rts_mcf_in_msg_scd_wait N N N
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Residence time on output message of synchronous times (number of times) Yes No 2351 rts_mcf_out_msg_sync_scd_wait N N N
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Residence time on output message of response times (number of times) Yes No 2352 rts_mcf_out_msg_resp_scd_wait N N N
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Residence time on output message of priority times (number of times) Yes No 2353 rts_mcf_out_msg_prio_scd_wait N N N
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Residence time on output message of normal times (number of times) Yes No 2354 rts_mcf_out_msg_norm_scd_wait N N N
microsec (length of time in microseconds) No Yes
Number on input message queue times (number of times) Yes No 2380 rts_mcf_que_scd_wait_num N N N
num (count) No Yes

Ttl: Total
Max: Maximum
Min: Minimum
Avg: Average
SVC: Acquired for each service.
SRV: Acquired for each server.
SYS: Acquired for the entire system.
Yes or Y: Applicable.
No or N: Not applicable.

When you specify a desired object as the target, real-time statistics are acquired from the object specified in acquisition target names 1 and 2.