OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


1.2.8 Changing common definition for the system

OpenTP1 must be re-cataloged if the common definition for the system is changed after cataloging OpenTP1 into OS. There are two ways of re-cataloging:

Organization of this subsection
(1) When a superuser changes definition
(2) When the OpenTP1 administrator changes definition

(1) When a superuser changes definition

After changing the definition, terminate OpenTP1 normally and then delete OpenTP1 from the OS. Then, execute the dcsetup command with its -d option specified to re-catalog OpenTP1 to apply the new definition.

(2) When the OpenTP1 administrator changes definition

The OpenTP1 administrator can change the system common definition by using the dcreset command after normal termination of OpenTP1. The system will go down if OpenTP1 is online and execution of the dcreset command is attempted.