OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


quels (Display status of queue groups)


quels [-f] [-q message-queue-service-name] [queue-group-ID]


The quels command outputs to the standard output the status of the physical files and queue files for specified queue groups. The message queue service must have already been started when the quels command is entered.



Specifies that queue file status is to be displayed for each queue group.

When this option is omitted, only the physical file status is displayed.

-q message-queue-service-name~<identifier> <<que>>

Specifies the name of the message queue service that manages the queue group IDs displaying status.

Command arguments


Specifies the ID of a queue group whose file status is to be displayed.

When this command argument is omitted, the status of all queue groups is displayed.

Output format


1. When the -f option is specified, this information is displayed as many times as there are queue files.

Queue group ID

Record length of the physical file

Number of records in the physical file

Number of records in use

Number of unused records

Physical file path name

Ratio of the number of records in the queue file to the number of records in the physical file (%) (rounded down)

Number of messages retained in the queue file

Number of messages in the queue file waiting for retrieval

Number of messages in the queue file being processed

Number of messages in the queue file on READY status

Queue file name

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA01323-E Specification of a command argument is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA01324-E Format of queue group ID is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA01325-E Specified queue group ID was not found. Standard error output
KFCA01326-E Memory is inadequate. Standard error output
KFCA01329-I Help message Standard output, standard error output
KFCA01339-E Specification of the message queue service name is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA01360-E Error occurred in the program. Standard error output, message log file
KFCA01361-E No execution environment has been set up. Standard error output