OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


1.2.6 Creation of OpenTP1 file system area

The OpenTP1 file systems can be created on character special files or ordinary files.

When a character special file is used, a disk partition must be allocated for the OpenTP1 file system. Do not mount this disk partition. When an ordinary file is used, there is no need to allocate a disk partition for the OpenTP1 file system.

Regardless of the type of files used for the OpenTP1 file systems, the following two OpenTP1 file systems must be created:

If character special files are to be used, two disk partitions must be allocated, one for the system and one for users.

The files in which the OpenTP1 file systems are created are called OpenTP1 file system areas. To prevent unauthorized users from accessing an OpenTP1 file system area, an owner of the OpenTP1 file system area and access rights must be defined as shown in the following table; the owner and access rights are defined with OS commands.

Table 1-1 OpenTP1 file system area owner and access rights

Type of OpenTP1 file system area Owner Access permissions
User ID Group ID Owner Group Other
For system OpenTP1 administrator OpenTP1 group rw
(can read and write)
(can read only)
(can read only)
For user OpenTP1 administrator OpenTP1 group rw
(can read and write)
(can read and write)
(can read only)

The OpenTP1 file system for the system and OpenTP1 file systems for users can all be allocated in the same OpenTP1 file system area. When this is done, the access rights must be for users.