OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


4.3.4 Unloading of system journal files

A file group placed on standby status because it is full, because an error occurred, or because it was swapped out by an operation command is placed on unload wait status. A file group on unload wait status retains its journal until the user unloads it in order to restore a DAM file or to perform a user operation. A file group on unload wait status cannot be placed on current status.

Once a file group on unload wait status is unloaded by using the jnlunlfg command or the automatic unloading facility, it is placed on unload completion status. A file group on unload wait status enters unload completion status when its journal is copied by using the jnlunlfg command or the automatic unloading facility, or its journal is discarded by using the jnlchgfg command.

A file created as a result of unloading with the jnlunlfg command or the automatic unloading facility is called an unload journal file.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Unloading using the jnlunlfg command
(2) Unloading using the automatic unloading facility
(3) Inhibiting unload check

(1) Unloading using the jnlunlfg command

When OpenTP1 outputs a message indicating that a journal has been discarded from the file group (KFCA01222-I), execute the jnlunlfg command.

If the jnlunlfg command is specified with its -f option specified, a file group is unloaded without checking its status; therefore, the current file group and an unloaded file group can be unloaded. Note that, before unloading an unloaded file group by executing the jnlunlfg command with its -f option specified, the file group must be closed with the jnlclsfg command.

Executing the jnlunlfg command with its -f option specified cannot change the file group status.

(2) Unloading using the automatic unloading facility

By using the automatic unloading facility, you can automatically unload system journal files while OpenTP1 is running without executing the jnlunlfg command. To use the automatic unloading facility, specify Y in the jnl_unload_check operand and the jnl_auto_unload operand in the system journal service definition. Specify the directory for storing the unload journal files in the jnl_auto_unload_path operand in the system journal service definition.

The automatic unloading facility can unload only system journal files; it cannot unload archive journal files.

(a) When unloading occurs

The automatic unloading facility starts unloading when the current file group containing system journal files is released and enters the unload wait status. The unload wait status begins at the following times:

(b) Using the unload journal file storage directory

In the jnl_auto_unload_path operand in the system journal service definition, specify the directory for storing the unload journal files to be unloaded by the automatic unloading facility. You can specify multiple directories for storage.

When a single directory is specified for storing unload journal files

When multiple directories are specified for storing unload journal files

The following table shows the first unload journal file storage directory to be used when OpenTP1 starts.

Table 4-5 First unload journal file storage directory to be used

Startup type of OpenTP1 First unload journal file storage directory to be used
Normal start Of the directories specified in the jnl_auto_unload_path operand in the system journal service definition, the first directory containing no unload journal files that was created by using the automatic unloading facility.
Start after planned stop Last directory that was used when OpenTP1 was running previously

The following figure shows how to use the eight storage directories.

Figure 4-5 Using the unload journal file storage directories


If all the journal files become full during unloading that uses the automatic unloading facility so that unloading is no longer possible, OpenTP1 outputs message KFCA01220-E and stops the system. If a journal file is closed during unloading that uses the automatic unloading facility, the automatic unloading facility continues processing.

If you store a file with the following name in an unload journal file storage directory, OpenTP1 may delete the file:


bbbbbbbbbbbb: Character string consisting of 12 characters Character string consisting of 1 to 8 characters
(c) Unload journal files

The unload journal files created by using the automatic unloading facility must follow the following naming convention to prevent duplication of names.


You can use a maximum 28 characters for a file name. The details about the components of a file name are as follows:

System journal service definition file name: Character string consisting of 8 or fewer characters

Journal service run ID: 8-digit hexadecimal number

Journal file generation number: 4-digit hexadecimal number
If the journal file generation number is fewer than 4 digits, 0s are inserted from the left to make the number 4 digits. If the journal file generation number is 5 digits or more, the last 4 digits are used.

Journal file group name: Character string consisting of 8 or fewer characters

System journal service definition file name: sysjnl
Journal service run ID: 40e8ca39
Journal file generation number: 3
Journal file group name: jnlfg02
Unload journal file name: sysjnl_40e8ca390003_jnlfg02

Do not perform any operations on or for the files stored in the directory currently used as an unload journal file storage directory while the automatic unloading facility is being executed. If you do so, file integrity is not guaranteed. You can check the directory that is being used as the unload journal file storage directory by executing jnlatunl -j sys -i.

You can move and copy unload journal files while the automatic unloading facility is inactive. You can move and copy the unload journal files that are stored in the directory that is not being used as the unload journal file storage directory even if the automatic unloading facility is being used. If you do not use an unload journal file as a file recovery journal, you can delete that file. However, if a directory becomes an unload journal file storage directory while you are manipulating a file in the directory, be careful that you do not manipulate the unload journal files that are created by OpenTP1 in any way.

(d) Restarting the automatic unloading facility

If the automatic unloading facility stops while OpenTP1 is running, you can restart it as follows:

  1. Back up the unload journal files in all the directories specified in the jnl_auto_unload_path operand in the system journal service definition or delete unnecessary unload journal files to create free space on the disk.
  2. Execute jnlatunl -j sys -b.
    The automatic unloading facility restarts.
  3. Execute jnlatunl -j sys -i.
    Check whether the automatic unloading facility is operating.

(3) Inhibiting unload check

A file group on unload waiting status can be allocated as the current one without being unloaded. This is called inhibiting unload check on journal. OpenTP1 usually checks the unload status of a file group, and allocates it as the current one only when it is on unload completion status. When unload status check is inhibited, unloading a file group is unnecessary because even a swappable file group on unload waiting status is allocated as the current one.

When unload status check is inhibited, unloading is executed in the offline mode.

Before unloading a file group online for test, close that file group by using the jnlclsfg command. If you do not unload an online file group before executing the jnlclsfg command, the file group might change to the current status, and the data in the file group might become corrupted. In this case, OpenTP1 interrupts unloading because the file group contains both data being unloaded and new data written for the current file group, but does not exit online mode.

The commands that input unloaded-journals file cannot be used unless unloading is executed at least once. The following table lists these commands.

Table 4-6 Commands that input unload journal files

Function Command
Management of journal files Journal integration for file recovery jnlcolc
Copying of unloaded-journals file jnlcopy
Editing and output of unloaded-journals file jnledit
Output of MCF statistics jnlmcst
Recovery of journal files jnlmkrf
Output of records of unloaded-journals file jnlrput
Merging and chronological sorting of unloaded-journals file jnlsort
Output of statistics jnlstts
DAM file management Recovery of logical file damfrc
TAM file management Recovery of TAM file tamfrc

Even if the use of the journal unload check inhibit facility is specified, executing the jnlls command displays unload wait status for the file group. However, that file group is allocated as the current one.