OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


4.3.5 Reuse of system journal files

To reuse a file group placed on standby status because it was full or swapped out by an operation command, both of the following conditions must be satisfied:

When N is specified in jnl_unload_check (facility for inhibiting unload check on journal) in the system journal service definition, the file group is swapped without checking its status.

The following figure shows the status changes for a system journal file in the online mode.

Figure 4-6 Status changes for system journal file in online mode


In the following situation, the system will close a file group and assign the next file group as the current file group. You force a normal start of OpenTP1 that was forcibly terminated or terminated abnormally, and then attempt to assign the journal file that was used as the current file during the previous operation as the current file for the current operation during startup processing.

The closed journal file is not available until you use the jnlunlfg command or the jnlchgfg command to change the status of the file group and then execute the jnlopnfg command.