OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


3.16.2 Starting and stopping the real-time statistics service

You must start and stop the real-time statistics service in the following order:

  1. Start the real-time statistics service (start RTSSUP).
  2. Start the extended feature of the real-time statistics service (start RTSSPP).#
  3. Stop the extended feature of the real-time statistics service (stop RTSSPP).
  4. Stop the real-time statistics service (stop RTSSUP).

You need to start the extended feature of the real-time statistics service (RTSSPP) only when you want to update the settings of targets and items to be acquired in real time. For details about changing the settings of targets and items to be acquired, see 3.16.5 Changing the settings of targets and the items to be acquired in real time.

See the following for details on how to start and stop the real-time statistics service.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Starting the real-time statistics service
(2) Starting the extended feature of the real-time statistics service
(3) Stopping the extended feature of the real-time statistics service
(4) Stopping the real-time statistics service
(5) Restarting the real-time statistics service
(6) Operation of the real-time statistics service

(1) Starting the real-time statistics service

You have two ways to start the real-time statistics service:

The real-time statistics service performs the following processing when it starts:

Securing shared memory
The real-time statistics service secures shared memory that the service requires to acquire real-time statistics. If the required shared memory for the real-time statistics service is not secured, the service cancels startup processing. For details about shared memory used by the real-time statistics service, see the manual OpenTP1 Description.

Creating RTS log files
For details about RTS log files, see 3.16.4(2) Outputting real-time statistics to an RTS log file.

Acquiring management information about the real-time statistics service
Use the rtsls command to output the management information about the real-time statistics service that has been acquired to the standard output.

(2) Starting the extended feature of the real-time statistics service

You have two ways to start the extended feature of the real-time statistics service:

If you start the extended feature of the real-time statistics service before you start the real-time statistics service, RTSSPP outputs a KFCA32723-E message to the message log and a KFCA01812-E message with SERVER DOWN as the cause of the error, and goes down. If these messages are displayed, use the dcsvstart command to start RTSSUP (this starts the real-time statistics service) and then restart RTSSPP. The extended feature of the real-time statistics service will start.

Do not apply any of the following commands to the extended feature of the real-time statistics service (RTSSPP). If you do so, an error will occur.

(3) Stopping the extended feature of the real-time statistics service

To stop the extended feature of the real-time statistics service, use the dcsvstop command to stop RTSSPP.

(4) Stopping the real-time statistics service

To stop the real-time statistics service, use the dcsvstop command to stop RTSSUP. If RTSSPP is running, first stop it with the dcsvstop command, and then stop RTSSUP.

(5) Restarting the real-time statistics service

To restart the real-time statistics service, start it after it has stopped. When you restart the real-time statistics service, the service recreates RTS log files.

When the real-time statistics service restarts, it starts to acquire real-time statistics. Whether the real-time statistics service inherits the statistics that have been acquired during the previous operation depends on the status of RTSSUP at startup.

(6) Operation of the real-time statistics service

Depending on the status of RTSSUP at startup, there are differences in some parts of the operation of the real-time statistics service (whether to inherit previous real-time statistics and the definition of the real-time statistics service to be applied). The following table shows the relationship between the status of RTSSUP at startup and the operation of the real-time statistics service.

Table 3-47 Status of RTSSUP at startup and the operation of the real-time statistics service

Status of RTSSUP at startup Operation of the real-time statistics service
Startup type Previous status Whether previous real-time statistics inherited Applied definition
Start Inactive Not applicable because no real-time statistics have been acquired. All
Restart Stopped by the dcsvstop command Not inherited. Some
Forcibly stopped by the dcsvstop command with the -f option Inherited. None
Went down Inherited. None
Restart of OpenTP1# Online Not inherited. All
Forcibly stopped by the dcsvstop command with the -f option Not inherited. All

All: All the operands and definition commands in the real-time statistics service definition are applied.
Some: All of the real-time statistics service definition except for the following operands is applied:
  • rts_service_max operand
  • rts_item_max operand
None: None of the operands and definition commands in the real-time statistics service definition are applied.

The real-time statistics service does not start when you use the dcstart command with the -U option specified to restart OpenTP1.