OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


dcndls (Display status of OpenTP1 node)


dcndls {-g multinode-subarea-identifier|-w node-identifier


The dcndls command outputs the status of the specified OpenTP1 nodes to the standard output.

For an OpenTP1 node using the system switchover facility, the dcndls command outputs the status of its running and standby systems.


-g multinode-subarea-identifier~<1-8 character identifier>

Specifies one identifier for the multinode subarea to be displayed. If an asterisk (*) is specified as the subarea name, it is assumed that a multinode area has been specified. Use \ or " instead of * so that the name is not extended to a shell. The -g option enables displaying the status of all OpenTP1 nodes configuring multinode areas or subareas specified in the definition command dcmarea of the multinode configuration definition.

-w node-identifier~<4 character identifier>

Displays the status of the specified OpenTP1 node. When more than one node identifier is specified, a comma (,) must be placed between identifiers.

Output format


Node identifier of an OpenTP1 node (4 characters)
Status of an OpenTP1 node (1-13 characters)

Communication impossible

The possible causes are:
  • dcsetup to be executed for the OpenTP1 node (dcsetup not yet executed or to be reexecuted)
  • multinode physical definition error (OpenTP1 node not yet cataloged or invalid host name or port number)
  • communication error (power of host with the OpenTP1 node remaining off or a network error)

Not in working or being abnormally terminated

Being normally started up

Being restarted


Being terminated (normal termination)

Being terminated (planned termination A)

Being terminated (planned termination B)

Standby system being started

Being in standby status

Standby system being terminated

Network error


Failure to collect status of OpenTP1 nodes
Displayed when an error has occurred at the appropriate OpenTP1 node. Recheck the applicable definition or check if TP1/Multi has been installed.
Multinode subarea identifier (1-8 characters)
'********' is displayed if the identifier refers to a multinode subarea that does not belong to any multinode area.
If an OpenTP1 node belonging to the multinode subarea identifier specified in the -g option also is duplicated in another multinode subarea, the multinode subarea identifier specified in the -g option is displayed.
If an OpenTP1 node specified by '*' in the -w or -g option is duplicated in more than one multinode subarea, the first multinode subarea identifier specified in the multinode configuration definition is displayed.

Host name (1-64 characters)
The host name specified in the multinode physical definition is displayed. ******** is displayed for a node for which no host name has been collected from the multinode physical definition.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA01860-E dcndls command input format is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA04613-E The dcndls command argument is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA04615-E Error exists in the definition file. Standard error output
KFCA04616-E Error exists in the multinode configuration definition. Standard error output
KFCA04617-E Command specification does not match the specification in the multinode configuration definition. Standard error output
KFCA04621-E Error occurred during executing the multinode function. Standard error output


The dcndls command must not be executed for the current or standby system at an OpenTP1 node using the system switchover facility.