OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


dcmstop (Terminate multinode area or subarea)


dcmstop [-abf] [-p] {-g multinode-subarea-identifier|-w
        node-identifier [, node-identifier]...}


The dcmstop command terminates the following OpenTP1 nodes at the same time:

Processing for an OpenTP1 node differs depending on its status taken when the dcmstart command is executed.

The dcmstop command watches all OpenTP1 nodes in the specified range until it verifies that they have been successfully terminated or failed to terminate. The command reports (by issuing a message) OpenTP1 nodes under termination process every about 30 seconds.

If the command cannot verify success in, or failure to, terminate before a certain time (the value specified in dcmstop_watch_time of the multinode configuration definition) from entry of the command, system outputs a message and discontinues watching the remaining nodes. Termination process continues for these nodes, but some may be delayed in terminating. The user must investigate the pending nodes and take appropriate actions.

For an OpenTP1 node using the system switchover facility, termination process takes place for its running and standby systems. When issued, a message relates to both systems.



Terminates each OpenTP1 node belonging to the multinode area or subarea in planned termination A mode.


Terminates each OpenTP1 node belonging to the multinode area or subarea in planned termination B mode.


Terminates each OpenTP1 node belonging to the multinode area or subarea in forced termination mode.

The -a, -b and -f options cannot be specified at the same time.

If none of the options is specified, each OpenTP1 node belonging to the multinode area or subarea is terminated normally.


The command returns the moment it requests an OpenTP1 node to start. The result of termination processing for the node is not checked.

-g multinode-subarea-identifier~<1-8 character identifier>

Specifies one identifier for the multinode subarea to terminate. If an asterisk (*) is specified as the subarea name, it is assumed that a multinode area has been specified. Use \ or " instead of * so that the name is not extended to a shell. The g option enables termination of all OpenTP1 nodes configuring multinode areas or subareas specified in the definition command dcmarea of the multinode configuration definition.

-w node-identifier~<4 character identifier>

Terminates the specified OpenTP1 node. When more than one node identifier is specified, a comma (,) must be placed between identifiers.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA01860-E dcmstop command input format is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA04607-I OpenTP1 node began the termination processing. Standard output
KFCA04608-I OpenTP1 node terminated. Standard output
KFCA04609-W OpenTP1 node cannot be terminated. Standard output
KFCA04610-W Termination of OpenTP1 node could not be confirmed. Standard output
KFCA04613-E The dcmstop command argument is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA04614-W OpenTP1 node exceeded termination watch time. Standard output
KFCA04615-E Error exists in the definition file. Standard error output
KFCA04616-E Error exists in the multinode configuration definition. Standard error output
KFCA04617-E Command specification does not match the specification in the multinode configuration definition. Standard error output
KFCA04618-I OpenTP1 node is terminating. Standard output
KFCA04621-E Error occurred during executing the multinode function. Standard error output
KFCA04626-I Standby termination process has begun for OpenTP1 node. Standard output
